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i like this
from you
the colors paling,
and the growing transluscence
of my love
fascinates me
like warm breath
on a cold glass window
it is getting clearer
now, watching you
walking anywhere
except towards me.


lately i find myself
too clean, with my life
tracing a neat line of
carefully closed chapters;
why couldn't i go back
and scribble some more
on the supposed-to-be
finished pages,
the footnotes overwhelming
the real story,
the sub-titles longer than
the actual conversations;
cross-referencing with ever-afters
just to make sure
i got everything covered
all the what-ifs, and what-nots
and the what-nows
everybody else seems to be
doing it ---
ink-stained fingers
betraying resolutions
and closures,
each time the old promises
we made to our childhood selves
are rewritten with new rules,

there are volumes of history
to be reviewed;
mine have been neatly typed,
double-spaced, so tempting
to slash with correction,
pen with blood-shaded ink
poised over the descriptive
account of tragic loves lost,
accusations left unsaid,
answers withheld,
questions unasked.

only me

you read my face
like a well-worn book you keep
by your bedside,
the one you reach out for
in the middle of the night
when sleep takes a walk
or when old nightmares visit.
you drink in my words like water,
though you wil not admit
that you have been thirsty,
the night sometimes takes you
to places too far to remember
except for the ache in your legs
and the certainty in your heart
every time you wake up you breathe
in relief it was only a dream,
just as it is only me
and there is nothing to be
afraid of

i am the dream

i am the dream
that you cannot bear to wake up from,
but you have to.  every morning
you release my hands,
taking care not to take any piece
of me into the morning.
i am the secret room
you shut yourself in
because my walls
are invisible.
i am the song you hum absently
while you wait for her
gather her things and finish
her to-do list for the day.
i am the scent of the sea
you keep bottled
deep inside you, hidden,
and you are careful that
she does not taste me
when you kiss.
i am the story
you are terrified of reading aloud,
you got stuck at "once upon a time..."
and watched the words burn
as i unravelled into you.

i am.
what now?


i tried hiding
behind imagined betrayals
and questions of loyalties
i tried to work my way
through the rules we always just
assumed without trying
to ask about the fine print
anyway, i was
found out easily
and now there is only
me, stripped of my excuses
and made-up alibis
defenseless before you
and your not-choosing
i stand here, terrified

i ii iii iv

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