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what i learned

there is no mystery to be solved
the questions were more whole to remain questions
because the answers we look for are too empty to satisfy

even god tells white lies and often it is for the good
like the reasons why some die young
and why a long life can be the most painful curse

there are boundaries that should be respected
there are times when leaping into the void
can only break bones and give nothing else

one should know how high to dare to fly
and how one should fall on the ground
and how long one could stare into the sun

i have learned these things and other darker lessons
all in time for me to learn to breathe in each new day
basking in the freedom of not having you


the rooms in my heart
are empty

his room
held only the faintest
traces of his scent
he has gone away

only my breathing
echoed in the stillness
a pure music
of fading sighs

absent-mindedly i brushed away your ghosts

absent-mindedly i brushed away your ghosts
like cobwebs caught in my hair
sharp shakes of my head rattled my thoughts
still you clung to me like bloodstain

i caught myself dreaming again
in black and white which i softly wash with color
nothing coarse, even kissing you had soft edges
almost you were willing to stay and not wake

abruptly i grabbed my bag of runes
my gold and silver coins rattled among the sacred stones
with these i will buy Things that give me senses of you
see,  i have learned to be practical.

mourning after

signs of you glared at me
under the sharpening morning sun
i could see them beautiful and faded
like old sets from old movies
whatever they stood for
has begun to unravel; meanings
fell like loose ends of questions

i am bewildered
by the sudden dryness of the dust
that skimmed across my thoughts of you
like the sudden blast of a sunrise
scaring away the skulking shadows
that nursed my passion for you.  i realize,
you have lost me.

i woke up and there was
someone else sitting unaware
on the throne where i have always brought you
my songs and my chants and inaudible prayers
where i have patiently lit candles
and burned incense, and watched you
reluctantly suffer my devotion.

but see, now the dreams that used to hover
around you have flown away.
listen, can you still hear me murmuring
the questions you refused to answer?
even the echoes are beginning to die down.
will you miss me like a lost limb, i wonder,
or will you be thankful, or will you weep?

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