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beware when i close doors
and windows on you.

it creates a false calm, 
but the storm does not die,
and it rages still
who knows
a great old tree may have
already been uprooted
and is now hurtling
towards you.

dead stars

everyone's shadow is different
i dared to touch yours and fell into the nightsky
stars tumbled past me, eager to rush into you
like me 
they burn like me

but then they are also dead
been dead for thousands of years 
too many of them dead
falling, burning  
they could be already cold when they finally reach you 
cold and dead when finally you see them

shall i be as dead and cold
before my fall ends  
will i even feel it still 
when my dead body slams into you

don't push me away

painstakingly i gather back pieces of my affection
pieces i had entrusted to other people
in the hope that they may find their way home to you 
i gather them back and swallow them 
now i am bloated  
and there is a funny tickle at the back of my throat   
don't push me away 
i might throw up 
all over your cool armani shirt 

bad hair day

one day
i missed you
so badly it left a bitter taste in my mouth
and a twisting cramp in my stomach

i wanted to see you
so badly that i almost
prayed for it
because i would not have
god casting crumbs
down my upturned face
but then you know
how absent-mindedly he does Things sometimes
a random sway of his hand
brought you to me

a spoiled blessing
leftover from some obscure miracle
cast upon a bad hair day...

you said:
“your hair needs taming.”    

red footsteps

i will not be a homeless beggar
in your world, in your life.
i will just be passing through
i will not stay.

i do not expect to be offered
not a drink, a plate of food
a room to stay

simply allow me
these few quiet moments
as i stare up your castle
and make believe that i am your queen
a queen who chose to leave

i shall yank my feet away
tearing up the roots
spilling the blood
and red footsteps
will follow me
as i leave

i am at peace

i am at peace with not having you
i can watch you from my safe distance
(which you still find too close sometimes)
and be content with seeing you laugh
as if you were always happy
such that i feel jealous of whoever
or whatever it was that made you
love life at that moment

i am at peace with your being free
i can  always think that you are just simply
too majestic to be possessed by anyone
instead of being saddened by the thought
that my hands and my heart were simply too small
to take you in

i am at peace without you
i can sleep at night and do grander Things
with you in Dreams
and not you nor i will have the chance
to disillusion each other with the waking Truth

i am at peace
see my hands are always open for you without demands
and you can always dance and flit between my fingers
and they shall not even twitch in a near-grasp
and you can lay your heart upon my palms without fear
and they will be as still as my own breathing

ah, to have your heart in my hands...


slowly i try to erase the mess i have made
from loving you
i untold my dreams
and shed my sleepwalking stance.

everything seems back like it were always morning

pay no attention
if sometimes i blink a second too long
the sun can be so blindingly bright

i suffer from narcolepsy.


we passed
the wastelands
of forgotten dreams.
i found a tarnished crown,
half-buried in the shimmering sand.
he said:
“she wanted to be queen”
i looked at him,
and i said:
“she wants it still”

he looked away.

not yet dead

you probably feel you have won the final round
because you see me limp away in what seemed like
resignation cloaked in a semblance of dignity

unfortunately you missed the smile on my bloodied lips
(banged and broken against immovable you)
you forget that to win, i have to be dead

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