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These are some of my oldest poems, dating back 6 years or so.


you sneak!
creeping up on me
like champagne bubbles
going to my head
only you went
for my heart
and now
i’m doomed.


it’s so easy 
to undo what i feel for you

i’ll just watch out for your faults
and your nasty habits

it’ll be easy

i just hope
you cannot play the guitar

not again

let this be over soon
without me shedding tears
for the moon
as i’ve done for years

besides, it is the same
i picked the wrong prize 
for the game
can’t expect it to be nice

besides my reasons are few
not to mention wrong
just because of pictures he drew
just because of a song

let this be over, please
for i refuse to play a part
i simply ask for release
don’t let him break my heart


three days fasting
fourth on the way
the love is dying
gasping it lay

there will be no mourning
no prayers to say
just his voice singing
at the end of the day

quietly creeping
the music will play
my soul pretending
to keep it at bay

oblivion is waiting
the skies are grey
love stood defying
said, “come what may”

prayer of a lunatic
(huddled in the corner of a cushioned room)

archangel of mine
my angel dear
to whom my love
committed me here
up to this day
empty is my side
no one to light
no one to guard
no one to rule
no one to guide

for ever and ever

we sit beside each other

we sit beside each other

all that empty space
says all that is between us
our necks stiff from turning away
and turning inside
to converse in our heads
he to the one
who left him behind
and i to him
while the music fills up between us
and becomes a solid wall
as i listened to the words
he sends by heart
across the darkening skies
as i listened to the words
i silently whisper by heart
to him
punctuated by a sigh
which he echoes
for reasons that exclude me
i nudge my heart
chastising it for playing dead
and reluctantly it beats

the music ends
i stand to leave
he turns to me
and smiles
bitterly my heart beats
“fool! fool!”
and i knew not
whether it spoke to him
or me

just the heart broken

spiraling down
from the skies
screaming loud
sting in my eyes

faster i fell
crashed to the ground
then i was still
i made no sound

and the blood
seeped slowly out
the doctor came
as the people shout:

"is she dead? how’s her head?"
"are her bones torn apart?"
"no," the doctor said, "see the blood,
she has merely broken her heart."

yellow day

it was a yellow day
though it was raining
and the sky was golden
instead of gray

like an old photograph 
we seemed
my heart watched you smile
and heard you laugh

so eager you were
basking in the yellow hue
of a day’s ending
i acted like it didn’t matter

i was intent
to act that my life
is made of more than yellow days
and that i was content

yet if i would be true
i should say
that it was a damned fine yellow day
because there was you


that you are gone
now i can be

the scars
will be light
the pain

the blood
will be washed
away by water
not tears

when i am well
we shall talk
but not to remember

we can start
all over again
like we just met

pencil strokes

i write you back in,
in pencil, lightest shade
with light strokes,
easy to rub out,
and would not stain much.
the story begins in the middle,
expecting to pick up
where it left off,
but the first pages
had been washed away.
don’t you want to take
a fresh sheet,
white and new and perfect still.
you see,
the old story
has a dead end
which cannot be changed.
this time, tell
that once upon a time
there was you
and there was i
and tell that now
all we have between us
is new and nothing

poems for sebastian revisiting ruins musings a crooked path
a man of god old times spaced out stars too bright

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