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revisiting ruins

a dance

i love this dance between us
where we always circle each other across the stage
without touching we execute
the most intricately intimate of steps

i often take the lead
and you sometimes choose to follow
but lately, you have been trying out
something new,  i had to pause.

strangely, you noticed,
and you waited for me to catch up.
at one point i think you almost offered a hand
but i was already swirling away.


i lit a candle for you tonight
it flickered softly in the deepening
darkness of a house falling asleep

the kindness of dreams

suddenly i was conscious of
how long i have slept dreaming;
i was jarred awake,
pushed off my bed which has always been
as cold as revenge

every sight of you is like
a wave slammed into me,
knocking my rusty defenses down,
rattling the long-asleep
bones of dead lovestories,
heaving the sands,
flattening the dunes where
i had buried myself,
that the kindness of dreams
will be enough.


someone snagged a thread somewhere
perhaps even pricked a finger
and inconveniently fallen asleep

for i find my paths were bent to turn on itself
to bring me face-to-face
with what i had sought to leave

revisiting ruins

i never thought i would run away
from you,
while knowing that the only difference
is in my mind,
and it is all the same to you

i watch myself feel
the same foolish fluttering inside
that makes me smile,
and laugh at myself with fondness,
and a certain measure of admiration

for how many
are brave enough to allow such
things to flow in the blood;
love coagulates
and can cause the shutdown of arteries

see i have been close
to collapse but I end up
collapsing in laughter
the cosmic joke was too much

anyway, i saw you
and the urge to love you all over again
stopped my breath,
froze my sanity

but only for a while;
self-preservation won
this time;
yet for a fleeting moment
the madness lingered,

so i ran away,
laughing as i did,
glad to have found you, at least
i knew,
you could have been the One

poems for sebastian revisiting ruins musings a crooked path
a man of god old times spaced out stars too bright

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