(Commentary by Mitch Carter)
We are physical beings in a material world governed by material values. Under material values the individual’s chief responsibility is to achieve happiness. In a material world happiness is achieved by getting more material goods for oneself.
We are also spiritual beings living in a spiritual world. Life itself is spiritual. Our hopes and dreams are spiritual. Our understanding, our caring and giving, our heart is spiritual. Love is spiritual.
The material world is a competitive world. The financially strong have a competitive advantage over the financially weak. The strong end up getting stronger and the weak get weaker. The weak getting weaker puts a downward spiral on society.
In the spiritual world responsibility is life. The more responsibility the individual takes on, the more alive he is. The individual grows stronger by helping the weak to get stronger. As he grows stronger the society he lives in grows stronger.
It is our spirituality that makes us human. If we don’t use our intelligence and the goodness in our hearts to save the weaker ones, we are in danger of losing our humanity. If we lose our humanity, we’ll end up destroying each other and, eventually, the planet we survive on.