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Pokémon Aqua Headquarters - Logo by BabySquirtle. If image messes up (blinks), please let me or BabySquirtle know.
Welcome you Pokémon Maniacs out there who are hungry for a dose of Pokémon Jazz! You've come to the right place for Pokémon Music from the game, anime, and other stuff. So go right ahead and click all you want, remember, you can't hurt anything more than I could! Note: Once page is done loading, press STOP to stop the currently playing music so you can listen to different music. On some browsers, you may not need to do this to hear the music you want.
Battle Aboard the St. Anne Music played when on the St. Anne.
Boogie Flute The PokéFlute on PKMN Snap.
Celadon City The theme for Celadon City.
Classic A classic tune for the Japanese theme.
Classic Remix A remix of the above song.
Gastly's Theme The theme for Pokémon Tower.
Goodnight Togepi A nice little tune I enjoy.
Hall of Fame The Hall of Fame theme.
Happy Skipper The theme when Oak takes you to his lab.
James's Theme A theme song for James in Japan.
Japanese PokéRap The Japanese version of the PokéRap.
La La La The music played during some Routes.
Meowth and Persian Another Japanese theme for Meowth and Persian.
Mystery of Mt. Moon Music played inside Mount Moon.
Nurse Joy The Pokémon Center theme music.
Piano Remix Another Japanese theme, Piano this time.
BPC! babysquirtle's pokémon center!
Universal Pokemon Network