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Pokémon Aqua Headquarters - Logo by BabySquirtle. If image messes up (blinks), please let me or BabySquirtle know.
BoxPrepare for an epic adventure of a young boy in a journey to fulfill his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. Join Ash Kecthum as you lead him through tons of exciting areas catching and training over 100 different species of the elusive Pokémon to battle. The more they battle, the stronger they get. Pokémon Red and Blue has made millions since it was released back in 1998, and it still is. You train and capture the Pokémon in this RPG adventure, 150 to capture. Why are there two different versions, you ask? Not all of the Pokémon are one game. Each game allows you to capture 139 Pokémon, and some Pokémon can't be caught on one version but can on the other. For example, Ekans and Arbok are only found in the red version, Meowth and Persian are only in the blue. ScreenshotThe graphics could have been better, I still say, and the game isn't compatible with Game Boy Color. But the game is VERY fun and exciting. This is also one of the first RPG's that allow you to play 2 Player with the aid of a Cable Link. You can battle each other on the game, or trade Pokémon. But, Pokémon training is harder than it may sound. They won't obey you if they get too strong, you have to know their weaknesses and advantages, and what attacks are best for them to learn, and so on. You meet eight Gym Leaders that you must defeat to win the Gym Badges. Once getting all eight, you can enter the Indigo Plateau to battle the Elite Four and current Pokémon Master. All this and you can become the master. There is also a PokéDex, so you can view information about the caught and seen Pokémon. The game is really great and no Pokémon fan should be left without it. Click here to view cheat codes and helpful tips for playing Pokémon.

BPC! babysquirtle's pokémon center!
Universal Pokemon Network