CONTENTS: Home MAIN FEATURE: Downloads WALKTHROUGHS: Pokémon Blue/Red Pokémon Yellow Pokémon Gold MANUAL CHEATS: Pokémon Blue/Red GAMESHARK CODES: Pokémon Blue/Red Pokémon Yellow POKéDEX: 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-151 AWARDS: Awards I Won Win My Award LYRICS: Old Theme Song Pokéraps WEBRINGS: Webrings Join my Webring OTHER STUFF: Links Daycare My Adopted Pokémon Bulletin Board Chat Room Get FREE Email Email Me |
Hello, and welcome to Pokémania 117! Last update: May 27, 2001 I'm still searching for that English Pokémon Green ROM, or a fully or partially translated version of Pokémon Crystal in a .gb or .gbc format. If you have any info, please email me using the link on the bottom of the left sidebar!!! April 22, 2001 I've gotten a new V3 URL!! We are now also, which is much shorter and much easier to remember! I hope it will benefit you! April 20, 2001 I've added Pokémon Yellow Gameshark codes. I am currently in the process of preparing more Gameshark codes for other games, as well as manual cheats and Game Genie codes. An adopt-a-Pokémon center will also be posted soon. Keep coming back to see some major improvements to the site! April 19, 2001 I finally got frames! I'm also preparing a lot more pages to add to this site, including cheats for different games and more things about the cards, the show etc. I also have to update the pages already attached. It will take me awhile to complete all these pages, so please bear with me as I slowly fix everything up! April 16, 2001: I am still looking for a full English version of Pokémon Green and a partially or fully translated version of Pokémon Crystal in a .gb or .gbc format, so if you have any information as to where I might find one of those, please e-mail me. Please vote for me in the Top 200 Pokémon sites!
Thanks to the Pokémaniacs who visited my site!