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Simplest order form there is! First off open up your email program, mail to and on the subject just type in Pokemon 'N Stuff. On your text simply follow this:

  1. Name (your name)
  2. Email Address (your own ISP email address, ex.
  3. Shipping Address (US only)
  4. List item or items you wish to buy (Be specific, ex. Raichu: Base Set, or Raichu: Base Set 2)
  5. Payment Method (checks or PayPal)
  6. Shipping Method (US regular ($1:50-$5, US Priority Mail $2-$10, Next Day $7-$20, FREE SHIPPING WHEN NOTED!)
  8. Optional (if your a member please indicate it here so we can send you a bill for it and once we've recieved your funds we'll send out your order)

Well thats all you have to do, plain and simple! Pokemon 'N Stuff will reply to your order within 24hrs for your bill, and information to where to send your check or money order. Once payment has been received you will be emailed to confirm that Pokemon 'N Stuff have recieved payment and your order will be out in 24hrs. Your order will then be sent to you depending on which shipping method you have chosen.

Also we may have questions about your order if we see anything that we have trouble understanding. If you are not a member and want to know more about it please click on this

Thank you for shopping at Pokemon 'N Stuff




Updated April 27th, 2000

Visit Pokemon'N Stuff at vstore: Pokemon Stadium for only $49.99

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