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April 31st, 2000:

We're going to start selling our 1st edition Team Rockets by the end of this week. Reason why we haven't started to do so is because we lack the amount of cards. Remember that these singles are very limited, and for some we will only have 1 or 2 available to be sold. As it stands we have enough 1st Editions to last for about 1 week but if demand is high that means these cards are going to fly out of the window.

We've been getting a lot of emails to reserve these cards but we won't know as of yet if we should because we want as many people to have the chance to look at these cards before their all gone. So by 7 days as of now the cards will be on sale. We'll take offers for them using email but we can't assure you that you will get it at that price as these 1st Edition prices are very volitile.

We're also looking in to selling 1st Edition Jungle, Fossil, and Team Rocket commons and uncommons. We're sure that collectors would like to get a hold of these and so we'll be offering them in about 1-2 weeks. As it stands, here will be our pricing structure for them:

  • Jungle Commons $1 (1st Editions)
  • Jungle Uncommons $2 (1st Editions)
  • Fossil Commons $1 (1st Editions)
  • Fossile Uncommons $2 (1st Editions)
  • Team Rocket Commons $1 (1st Editions)
  • Team Rocket Uncommons $2 (1st Editions)

So we believe these are very reasonable prices for 1st editions, and are much more highly collectable. We have a great amount in stock and are just sitting in the thousands not doing anything, so we're hoping we can find them new homes:-)

Lastly we have a couple of 1st Edition Team Rocket Dark Charizards that our staff members would like to personally auction off. It'll be going under the same Seller Digitallife99, as so we can keep all our auctions in the same place (much better to keep track of). We're most likely going to have a reserve price on them but I don't think it'll be too high. So either offer us something we can't refuse through email or go and bid at Yahoo auctions when we put it up.

April 27th, 2000:

We're putting up 1st edition Team Rocket Singles in the Singles section of the site. These cards are very limited and so the page may be gone by end of two weeks because we'll have none to sell, but look forward to the unlimited versions of these cards soon, which will eventually replace the 1st editions. So you guys better catch these prices now or it'll be unreachable later on. Also the pokedex section will be finish by end of May as it will be the most comprehensive TCG dex of its kind so check the site out every other day to see if anything gets up there.

One last thing, that Dark Raichu 1st Edition from Team Rocket, well we may be taking it out of auction because we think later on we can get it for more:-) Hey its business, and so we gotta think profits:-)

April 25th, 2000:

We got our first 1st Edition Team Rocket packs yesterday and we are so very happy to have gotten the Dark Raichu. This card is a holofoil numbered to be 83/82. It was the fourth pack we had openned that day and we have been elated since then. We are now going to sell this item at Yahoo auctions you can go and bid on it here.

April 18th, 2000:

The Poke-Stadium section is about 25% complete. The tips sections for the game are close to being finished. So keep checking out this site daily for new sections and more updates.

April 16th, 2000:

We've added more topsite ranking affiliates today, Also we we're only going to use the Pokemon Top 50 and the Pokemon Village as our rankers but we've been going down lately from them because it looks like they are not registering our statistics. We expected this when we were using other computers for connections while we update and check our site. We noticed that our rank has been aweful. We've used 17 different computers all with different connections (meaning with different IP addresses) to see if any hits counted. We found out that following day that we dropped nearly 200+ spots and worst off we check our statistics and found that we had only 3 unique hits and 17 regular hits. This doesn't make sense, right? Right now we're thinking about removing those counters because its making Pokemon 'N Stuff look bad, even though we know that we get much more hits then 17 a day. Shoot by updating our site ourselves we be creating 100+ hits a day.

April 10th, 2000:

Our Booster packs and expansion packs are selling like hotcakes so better get yourself a pack or two before these are out of stock. You do know that internet prices are high so take advantage of these before its all gone, especially the Base Set unlimited packs because those are going to be discountinued or probably are discontinued already. Also take advantage of my 25%-50% off on all baseball products from 1999 singles to 1999 sets, its not going to last long so get them way below book value (Beckett).

April 6th, 2000:

Updated the FAQ's page and added some background to these pages. Also if you want Pokemon 'N Stuff to link your site please email here at Just put up our site address which is:

to your page, and give us your addy and we'll put it up on ours. If you have your own banner that is 88x31 (or something like that), then send it along with your request. Also if you have not seen yet, we are pre-taking orders for the Team Rocket Expansion Packs. They are $4.99 for 1st Edition Packs (5 pack limit per order) and $4.29 for Unlimited Packs (10 pack limit per order). Hurry before we drastically bring up the prices for its future demad.

April 5th, 2000:

We have now added a new way for you our customers to pay for our merchandise which is through is a very easy way for people to send money to each other using email. If you have not joined yet I suggest using this link, and go join. We will be able to send out orders much faster because we will be able to recieve payment within 24hrs instead of waiting for checks to come in. I would think this will be an easy way for you our dear customers, because you can have all the good stuff at your door by the next day you ordered it (depending on your shipping method and if all matters have been settled...see FAQ's)

April 4th, 2000:

Pokemon 'N Stuff has had some difficulties in the last two weeks due to high amount of orders and the entire April fools senario. We've found that many orders taken early on April 1st were fradulent, we are not saying that all of the orders were not made in good standings but we are reviewing all orders taken with in the week. For those of you that have orders and wondering why its taking us so long to reply, we are very sorry for the delay. You must understand that we are just a small little business-undertaking and so any lost of revenue will hurt us. So bare with us until we get all matters settled.

Thanks from the Pokemon'N Stuff Staff

Pokemon 'N Stuff's new layout has come online. New features have been added such as Deck Garage, Pokedex & Price Guide, and Poke-Stadium, but they won't be 100% online until March 31st. The layout change has been the left menu with the graphics and the image swaps.

Hey we got Pokemon Stadium now and look for our review of it coming soon. So check out Pokemon 'N Stuff at vstore and get yourself a copy of the hottest game around Pokemon Stadium. Vstore has secure online shopping so check out Pokemon 'N Stuff there.

Updated April 31st, 2000

Visit Pokemon'N Stuff at vstore: Pokemon Stadium for only $49.99

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
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