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PokeStadium is here!! Packed with the Transfer Pak, the game will allow players to upload their Pokémon from Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, and battle against the CPU or a friend. The game offers many playing modes so that gamers may fight until they drop.

The single-player mode offers the badge quests that are standard for the games; and four competitions (depending on your Pokémon's status): Poké Cup, Pika Cup, Petit Cup, and Prime Cup. In addition, a variety of minigames will be available to keep things interesting.

For players who haven't caught all of the Pokémon, the game will offer all 150 Pokemon for players to "rent." The game's multiplayer mode aims to give players just as many choices, up to four can compete in a variety of matches, including two-on-two, and one-on-three.

Pokémon Stadium also offers a number of extras, such as to photograph your prize-winning Pokémon and then print the photos onto stickers, on PokéSnap. Players can also manage their Game Boy Pokémon data on their N64s with the Transfer Pak, or play Red, Blue, or Yellow on their N64s on the Game Boy emulator on the cartridge.

Easily one of the most anticipated games of the year for the Nintendo 64, Pokémon Stadium has rised the Pokémon craze.


Updated April 29th, 2000

Visit Pokemon'N Stuff at vstore: Pokemon Stadium for only $49.99

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