Two of my biggest pet peeves are ignorance and rudeness. So here are some things that are written up by me. They're just my opinions, so don't go into shock....and please, no hate mail.

My Mouth.... Other Articles
Justin and Britney  --  *NEW* I decided to make a new site for these two. Of course then they broke up. Yeah well, the site remains.

In Defense...  --  *NEW* Yet another site that I felt deserved to be made. Aren't you sick of everyone constantly bashing Brit? Me too...

"YOU said" -- SOMETIMES, really NICE people take time out to write to me. I LOVE those people. Y'all make me feel like you like the site. [did everyone hear the "hint" in that? ;-)]
'BRITNEY' -- Review: Track by Track It's a Goodie!!! See what else I had to say about Brit's newest album.
'A Dream Within A Dream' -- Brit Rocks the House!! Share my concert experience, as if you were in the seat next to me!!
Crossroads: The Movie -- Britney's first starring role!! My guess is, it won't be her last!! :-)

On Britney's Behalf
In Disgust... -- Admittedly, I have a big mouth. Also admittedly, I don't really care for the writers of EW. I can respect that they don't like pop music, whatever. But then don't write about it. I wrote them a letter expressing these very thoughts. Here it is...
50 Most Beautiful People - 2002
Of course we already knew this, but it's nice to know that PEOPLE magazine thinks so too!!

Most Intriging People - 2002
More good thing said about our girl...

Turning 21, Turning it on
An article put out just in time for Brit's 21st birthday. Check it out!

Dialogue - Britney Spears
A cute little interview with Brit done by The Hollywood Reporter.


For all those lost in the September 11th attacks....
We Honor

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