April 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

April 25, 2002
Yeah, yeah...I know. WELL! Pictures were added, and I'm currently working my butt off on 3 new sites! They'll be ready for viewing soon!! Brit's was in Austrailia this past week. Now she's in Japan. Come home, B! We miss you!! ~D

April 18, 2002
Pics are almost all organized. Finally! I'll be back with content soon. Thanks to Rick for his sweet comments in the guestbook. Chicas y Chicos, take a hint...GO SIGN IT!! :-) ~D

April 7, 2002
AGH! Ok, to make a long story short, here's what's going on. Angelfire is lowering their storage space. What does this mean for you? Nothing, hopefully. But as for me, I'm busy trying to move all my pics to a different space. Wouldn't wnat ya'll to lose pics!! Anyway, I'll seem absent for awhile...that's why. ~D

April 4, 2002
I'm so glad that Britney finally has a break! She's been all over Europe in a month...not to mention the personal hell she's gone through. Let's review... She gets "peed" on, literally. Justin breaks up with her (ass...). Her own fans boo her. Damn girl..busy month, huh? My message to Britney -- take a break girl, I'll catch you on tour in June! ~D
PS: More pics added!

'March 2002' Updates
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