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* Itz Stephanie
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*Sign My Guestbook Helped Us Make This Layout! :) Thanks! Please Sign Our Guestbook! Thank ya!
Perfection: Taylor Hanson


(Jul.28)Guys! Sorry for the lack of updating! We have been majorly busy with a fan fiction site. Stephanie is mainly working hard on it. We are trying to get some fiction to roll in so Please email it to us if you want stories hosted. We will credit you all the way! We except long stories and short stories! Just email them to us and they will be up! :)
---We will be adding sections to the bottom of this page. It'll be a drop down menu as Christina's is above and it will have Feat. Fiction, Site of the Week, and Picture of the week So hang in there while this site undergo's MAJOR referbishing! :) love y'all - Jenn and Steph!

(July.4)Hey guys. Itz Jenn. I just wanted to bring to your attention something that happened today to me. My 19 1/2 year old brother, got into a horrible car accident. Pretty bad. He's a little hurt. But he's home, he didn't feel like he needed to go to the Emergency Room. But he is feeling chest pains. So I hope it isn't anything serious. But I just wanted to state the fact that I've heard and I've preached, "Don't ever take life for granted, or ever think someone will always be there, because in all reality, they could be gone within a second." So please guys, if there is someone you are in a fight with or someone you haven't said "I love You" to, then please let them know you do love them and/ or sorry for the mistakes. I haven't told my brother I had loved him since several months ago and I would have held the burden of not letting him know that I loved him. So please for your sake and the one's you love, tell them so they'll never have any doubt. Thanks for reading guys.
God Bless Every One of You,

I hope everyone else is having a great Holiday. :) Talk to you later!


(Jul.3)Hey! Itz Jenn here! :) Well, I just wanted to let you know that Christina one of the old co-owners has contacted me and she's going to be helping us out here. She wants to still be Co-Owner, she wants us to add a Ryan Merriman Section to the site. He has appeared in several Disney movies. We will put a drop Down menu labeled "Christina's Section" So you will know where to find it all. okay? Well I know this site will be awesome! Thanks for coming and please sign the guestbook! :) PLEASE?!

From Jennifer

(Jun.30)Hey!! Itz Jenn here, I just wanted to let everyone know about those annoying pop ups. just minimize them and they shouldn't be a bother to you while you cruise this site! Well, I hope you like it. We have given this site a total make over for you guys who visit it. And the lyrics pages were showing up on the far end of the page and we finally worked out the kinks! yay!! Well countdown to my birthday is now at : 12 days! Well, Talk to you guys later!! - Later Dayz Jenn! :)

By the way..If you have any pictures, fan fiction, Saved Hanson stories, or anything you want to see up, email us please?! We'd love to hear from ya! :) Thanks again- Jenn and Steph :o)


(Jun.22) Hey! Well as you know we are updating this layout like crazy! Please give us time to up date this all, we've had to do so much due to our pictures and files being deleted, so we hope you will hang in there with us! Thankz so much!! Well, gotta start updating! Hope y'all enjoy! -Jennifer

New Layout- News

(Jun.21) Hey Guys! Always On Our Minds Hanson..Will be up shortly. We all need to thank Jenn's good friend Eldon for helping us with this layout! Such a great guy! Thanks Eldon! Well, We are currently getting back all those pictures that were deleted off the Picture Site. So have no fear they are coming quickly! - Stephanie

*..*OH*..* Almost forgot! Please check out Eldon's Site Layout By: Racing Layouts PLEASE! Thanks Guys!!

Updating News

(Jun.18) Itz now just Jennifer and Stephanie here! Okay on with the updates!

-Picture Site has been deleted. Somehow Chickpages deleted it without letter thier memebers know about it ahead of time, So we could save the pictures. Now we have to re-do everything we started over a year ago. :(

-Our new email is

--You can email us with any questions, comments, or ideas you have regarding the site.

We Are Back!!

(Jun. 16) Be expection a lot of updates in the near future. We are trying to get back on our feet now that schools out! Woo Hoo! Sorry we haven't been updating it as much as we wanted to, but school finals and other things have kept us from this! We hope you forgive us and keep coming back for more soon!! Email us if you have any questions, or just wanna tell us good job, we'd appreciate the input! Later Dayz! Jenn and Steph.

New News!

(Jun.15) WE ARE BACK FOR GOOD NOW!! WOO HOO! Can you believe its summer? Itz great! Jennifer has a 3 month summer due to the new Texas law going into effect, That school can't start until after August 21st. She's very lucky huh? Oh! If you ask why that law is in effect it's due to tourism, they say that since school starts earlier than August 21st then itz cutting down on tourism. Give me a excuse I'll believe, lol!! Well, changing subjects, We hope you like our new site and we will be getting a new layout soon! So be looking forward to that! Oh! And PLEASE Sign the guestbook! Later Dayz! Steph.

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