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Perfection: Taylor Hanson

*1. Full Birth Name: Jennifer Anne Northum
*2. Natural Hair Color at birth: blonde
*3. Hair Color Currently: brunette (didn't dye it! Its all natural!)
*4. Eye Color At Birth: dark blue
*5. Eye Color Currently: very unique light blue
*6. Height Currently: 5'5 1/2"
*7. Glasses/contacts: nope!
*8. Birthdate: July 12th
*9. Sign: Cancer
*10. Current Age: 14 (turn 15 next month!)
*11. Parents Names: James & Donna
*12.Siblings: Jared, Kassie (okay maybe not but she is like my big sis!)Stephanie Weage, (She's like my little sis!)
*13. Do You Drink: sure don't!
*14. Do You Smoke: nope!
*15. Any Nicknames:Jenn, Angel Eyes (it goes with that eye color thing) Demarcus calls me "Eyes" so there's a hint! lol! Etc. Please note** Don't ever call me Jenny...please don't EVER call me Jenny :) I have a class mate named Forrestt so you can only imagine...... Thanks!
*16. Location: Ovilla, Texas
*15. School Attending: Red Oak High School!! Woo hoo!
*16. G. P. A. : was a 3.8 (last report card)
*17. College Plans: MAJOR ONES! Plan on going to A&M majoring in vehicle structure engineering.
*18. Planned College Major: vehicle structure engineering
*19. Planned College Minor: business management
*20. Any Piercings: Just ears
*21. Any Tattoos: nope  

*1. Best Girl Friend(s): Kassie, Stephanie Codara(Racin' Bud), Manda, Stephanie Weage, Cindy, Lee, Amber, etc..
*2. Best Guy Friend(s): Case (thanks for always understanding and putting up with me), Jake (what about that site Jake?), "Mork" (awesome friend! Haven't heard from ya in a while! I don't check my mail anymore so you can email me here I tried your new hotmail one but it doesn't seem to work!), Eldon (Thanks for everything! you've been really awesome), Austin (really great friend! Thanks!) that's about it!
*3. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: not yet! :)
*4. Current Crush: Terrence Heaney!!
*5. Hobbies: basketball, Internet stuff, NASCAR, talking on the phone. listening to music
*6. Where Can You Usually Be Found: at my friends house, or weekends in the living room watching Racing, I don't spend a lot of time in my room.
*7. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: my puppy Cocoa, (Chihuahua) or my best friends
*8. Cell Phone: brand new one actually!! (Nokia 5165! LOVE IT! It has a sparkly blue cover with silver keypad, its great!)
*9. Pager: I have a cell phone with voice mail so why would I need a pager?! (voice mail has Lifehouse on it! It sounds great!)
*10. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: depends on what you mean? Around my friends DEFINITELY! I always talk! :) I get shy really easily though, around new people! Ask Kassie!
*11. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: Will drive my mom's Durango sometimes.
*12. What Type of Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: Dodge Ram or a Stratus R/T
*13. Who Do You Know Personally That Has The Best Car: nobody really! :)
*14. Are You Timely Or Always Late: always early :)
*15. Where Is The Best Hangout: Mall, and the race track, when the race is in Texas!
*16. Do You Have A Job: yep
*17. If Yes, Where Is It And What Do You Do: I baby-sit so no telling lol!
*18. Where Do You Attend Church?: Park Meadows Baptist Church.
*19. Youth Group: changes every time! lol!
*20. Do You Like Being Around People: LOVE IT!
*21. How Many People Are On Your Buddy List: a lot and I talk to them all! :) If they are ever on that is! lol!


Out Of Your friends... Who~
*1. Have You Known The Longest: Kassie Johnson
*2. Do You Argue The Most With: Always Megan! Kassie....Stephanie C.
*3. Do You Always Get Along With: Cindy, Case, Kassie, Manda, Amber, Stephanie C and Stephanie W. Case, Jake, Eldon, and "Mork".
*4. Is The Most Trustworthy: Kassie, Manda and Cindy, and Case.
*5. Makes You Laugh The Most: Kassie and "Mork"
*6. Always Has A Man/Woman: umm...don't want me to answer! Probably Khristie.
*7. Is The Most Sensitive: Kassie
*8. Has The Coolest Parents: Kassie
*9. Has The Coolest Siblings: Kassie! They are interesting! lol! j/k
*10. Has The Coolest House: umm..don't really pay attention! lol!
*11. Is The Most Encouraging: ALL of them!
*12. Is The Most Blunt: Will definitely say, Megan, Jamie and Kassie.
*13. Is The Shyest: Khristie
*14. Is Most Rebellious: Megan
*15. Is Most Conservative: dunno!
*16. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: Kassie...Beautiful Voice!
*17. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: Thats up for grabs!
*18. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail (lol): Same as above!
*19. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: Is this a reasonable question?
*20. Is Most Likely To Never Have Kids: Definitely Stephanie Codara!!
*21. Always Wears A Smile: I dunno, but I always do! :)
*22. Has The Biggest Attitude: little ol' me! Not recommended to make me mad!!
*23. Would Without Thinking About It, Die For You: Hopefully one of them!
*24. Complains The Least: NONE!
*25. Biggest Flirt: Jamie!
*26. Needs A Good Man/Woman: Kassie (Kenny, just didn't cut it! lol!)
*27. Never EVER Betrayed You: Manda, Amber, Austin, Lee, Kassie, Stephanie, Cindy, Stephanie W., Case, Jake, "Mork," Eldon.
*28. Who do you miss the most: Stephanie Weage, She lives in Michigan so I can't ever see her!

*1. Who Is Your Role Model: Kassie, Case,
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: When people say they don't know but they do. Make noises when they rub their noses, annoying people! ETC.
*3. Describe Yourself In 1 Word: Cheerful
*4. Have You Ever Loved Someone You Had No Chance With: Could have! But I don't give up easily! :) hee hee!
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: oh yea...who hasn't?
*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: What girl doesn't? Some who is sensitive, funny, caring, honest, Christian, but has to love to have fun! you know things along those lines.
*7. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): Sure don't. I don't like lying.
*8. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge On Someone: Uh...maybe..not sure!
*9. Ever Been Lied To By A Significant Other: always
*10. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Terrence rings a bell!
*11. Ever Liked  a close Guy/Girl Friend: yes, Tanner. Thats over with!
*12. Are You Lonely Right Now: not really...If I feel that way I learn its horrible, you're never alone, God is always with you and I know Guardian Angels are with you too. You are never alone :)
*13. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Nope I'm confident! lol!
*14. Do You Want To Get Married: Yes.
*15. Do You Want Kids: Yes. I think 2 is all I'll go! lol!
*16. Do You Believe In Psychics: ahh..depends.
*17. Do You Believe You Know Who You Are Going To Marry At This Point In Life: Nope! Have no clue!
*18. Are You Happy With Your Life: Pretty much!
*19. Are You Scared Right Now: Uh no!!!!!
*20. If You Could Change Something In Your Life Right Now, What Would It Be: Be more knowledgeable about the Bible. And to be able to comfort people in their tough times.
*21.Your Most Memorable Moment of the Year: ROHS boy's basketball banquet. Miss the '01 seniors!! Except for Bradley Wade.


*1. Quote: A LOT! Ask me and I'll list a lot!

"Failure is what we cry over,
Pain is what we grieve,
Dream is what we go after,
Goal is what we want to achieve,
Success is what we are rewarded
For all we have been through"
*2. Room in house: My room! Its nice and bright!
*3. Girl's Name: Faith, Autumn, Grace, Amber, Kylee, Dakota, Cody
*4. Guy's Name: Jordan, Zachary, Matthew, Preston, and Austin
*5. Ice cream: Strawberry or Chocolate cookie dough
*6. Type of music: Country ( I am from Texas), Christian, Rock and some pop (don't push it!)
*7. Magazine: NASCAR Winston Cup Illustrated (don't get it often BUT I like it!) I also like Teen magazine for the latest tips and stuff, like what's in and what's out.
*8. Song: Do I have to pick one??? Uh..Probably "Hanging By a Moment" by Lifehouse THEY ROCK!
*9. Shampoo: Suave..Vanilla, and Apple
*10. Toothpaste: Colgate gel stuff.
*11. Soap: Caress and Dove
*12. Movie: "Remember The Titans" and "Armageddon"
*13. Actor/Actress: Sandra Bullock, and I don't really have a fave actor probably, Matt Damon, or Ben Affleck
*14. Beverage: Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper
*15. Candy: Chocolate makes me hyper!
*16. Gum: Ice Breakers cinnamon
*17. Sport TO PLAY: basketball
*18. Sport To Watch: NASCAR
*19. Subject In School: English
*20. Time Of Day: night
*21. Family Member: My Aunt who is unfortunately passed
*22. Number(s): 19, 32, 23,
*23. Salad Dressing: RANCH!!
*24. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: my little teddy bear called taybear, because I've had that or almost 14 years and when I got it I could barely talk and my dad goes 'this is your teddy bear.' And I go 'taybear?" my dad and mom said it was cute!(There's a little bit to tell ya I was destined to become a Hanson fan!)
*25. Memory: going to qualifying at Texas Motor Speedway! I got to skip school! WHOO HOO!
*26. Quote From A Movie: One from Runaway Bride.
*27. Day Of The Week: Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
*28. Color: Blue, and Red
*29. Perfume And Cologne: Lucky You for women and Curve for Women, ADIDAS for men
*30. TV Show: Totally NASCAR, Friends, and 3 Sisters
*31. Flower: Roses
*32. Pair Of Pants: Jeans
*33. Fast Food Place: Whataburger! Grilled Chicken.
*34. Game: Any Sega game :) I like Sonic!
*35. Teacher: Sorry not one there either! :)
*36. Love Song: "There You'll Be" By Faith Hill
*37. Best Of Clothing: my pajamas! (house wear! lol! Why dress up when you are at your own house?)
*38. Month: March, April, July, August, September, and December (4 Kassie November, since your birthday is November 5th.)
*39. Season: Spring and Fall
*40. Vacation Spot: East Texas, on our private lots, near the lake! :)
*41. Person To Give Advice To: Stephanie Weage! (love her like a little sister!)
*42. Person To Get Advice From: Kassie
*43. Favorite Sound: Sound of Rain.

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