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Perfection: Taylor Hanson

://: Hanson Rumors?! :\\:

We are more than against Hanson rumors they are stupid and introduing their privacy! Also we are for Hanson Family Privacy. People who start those rumors need to get a life. I mean they deserve their own privacy. and if they have a girlfriend SO WHAT?! Let them!They are regular teenagers. Teenagers date and I am sure they do too. So to those who came here looking for juicy rumors, you need to leave because you won't find them here. We don't mean to sound tacky, but we may not know Hanson but you know, we respect them enough to let them have their own life.

Jenn & Steph

://: Hanson Picture Rumors :\\:

Report from
Sent in by: Site Owner Stephanie

Hanson is so generous to pose with fans even when the really don't feel like it. Just imagine what it is like to be in Hanson's situation, where fans follow them from their home, to hotels, music studios, events and even just walking around a store! People are snapping pictures of them without their permission and then will take the time to pose after a long day in the studio only to find the pictures on the internet, altered!

Altered Hanson pictures appear all over the internet. For example, when Hanson does a meet & greet, Taylor does not hesitate to put his arms around the fans to pose for the pictures. I have actually seen meet & greet pictures altered where the other fans are cropped out and all you see is Taylor with his arm around a girl. Then the picture circulates around the internet as "Taylor's new girlfriend". We have all see the altered pictures where they are supposed to be smoking, drinking, holding hands with girls, giving the finger and much worse!

Although, I would hope that most of us have enough common sense to realize that these are fake pictures, there is always going to be a small percentage of fans that will believe the pictures and truely get upset over them. I think if this continues, Hanson will join the "no picture policy" that other music celebrities are forced to take.

Please think about what you are forwarding to each other out of respect for Hanson. Lets set an example to others that Hanson fans have respect for Hanson and their right to privacy.

From Site owner Jennnifer..Thank you Steph for bringing us that report, glad you took the time to straighten things out! Now, as for this site.. No altered pictures what so ever. The pictures you find on this site will be place up as is. No cropping to re-finishing. They will be put up like they are sent in. Thank you for understanding!

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