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Perfection: Taylor Hanson

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Here's How This Works:

This is a section of the site where you can email us your stories about how you got to be interested in Hanson, When you met them, or Most Importantly, How they have Saved your Life. Please volunteer to do this, because you don't know how many people you could save by letting them know what Hanson has done for you, and maybe it could do the same for them.

Email us here if you DO NOT want your email addy shown with your story.
Email us here if you DO want your email shown with your story.

Stephanie's Story About How Hanson Saved Her

Real Life...Lifesavers In 1997 when Hanson first came out I had just turned 10 in January. Among other things I showed signs of depression. It's not normal to be depressed at such a young age, so I was diagnosed with a virus. Although I had no clue that I was depressed at the time, I knew it was something other than a virus making me feel so bad all the time. Come spring, my symptoms began to worsen, and I felt no need to live. There I was a 10 year old girl, with depression unknown and no one to understand me. I felt the only way to stop the pain was to let go. Unlike allot of stories I didn't just suddenly hear MMMBop, smile, and change my mind. I was caught in my action. Bottles of pills were no longer considered safe around me. Not to long after Hanson came out and of course they soon became my favorite band. Who wouldn't like them right? I took a strong liking to Zac the drummer. The time past, My room filled with posters, and I began to think better about my life. I'm not saying everything was better, because it wasn't. I still had the occasional urges to slip and loosen my grip. The music helped me through allot of things. It drowned out the sound of my arguing parents, it covered my cries, and the best of all In the end it always made me smile. The time Hanson wasn't doing much and were rarely talked about, they were still thought of in my mind. I was ecstatic to find them back on T.V this time around, with a new album coming our way. By this time I was 13 and deeper as you'd say in depression. I went back to my old way of letting go and was thinking of taking pulls. Again as I tried someone came in my room. This time holding something in there hands for me. They didn't see what I was up to, lucky for me. I was given my Hanson CD and they were on there way. I was to eager to hear the new sounds to go back to what I was doing. I loved This Time Around and it became the sound that always filled my room. I got a computer and because of all the awesome Hanson sites, I have made really great Friends to help me through and also to help me keep the Hanson pride.Now I am 14 and finally I was taken in and diagnosed with Depression and anxiety. I am going through several processes to help the feelings I have. I am not cured and may never be. But one thing I can trust is that as long as there is Hanson, there will always be a way of keeping me high so I will never let go.

Thanks for your time.
Stephanie Victoria

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