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Carol Marie

46 yrs old
Living in the Heart of Sedona, Arizona
Creator of this site
Invited into the Mystery School in 1992 ... didn't begin schooling until 1995
Melchizedek ... Thothe ... Elohim ... Council of Nine ... Jesus ... Those who have no Name ...
(I have had few encounters with Angels, most guidance has come from the Hierarchy).

Natural Raport with the Elementals and Faeries,
all animals & children.

Airport Mesa Vortex 2005
1983 to 1988
Education & Environmental Journalism
No degree ... I quit college 17 credits shy of requirement for graduation ... thinking was too linear for me, couldn't continue.
I have no desire for you to take my Truth as your own,
I have no desire to convert your way of life or your beliefs,
I seek only to be of service to those who have a desire to find their own Truth within themselves.
For in doing so, I may begin to reap the harvest of this lifetime and others, and to help others to do the same.


Specialty ~ Lemurian Kinesiology


A little about Me

My ethnic heritage is Japanese & Norwegain.
My great-grandmother was an unconscious healer in a small village in Japan.
My father's side of the family is Norwegian, and were herbalists
before they migrated to the Americas three or four generations ago.

I have five siblings, we are all gifted in some way.
My mother is Buddhist, my father was Lutheran.
I am neither and both.

I became fascinated with Life & Death at the age of 8.
By the age of 12, I was actively seeking to know God.

I spent much time alone as a child,
sometimes because it was too difficult to be around others,
sometimes because I felt like I didn't fit in,
but mostly because I was fascinated with
trying to understand life and the mysteries of the Universe.
My dreams were always filled with illuminating experiences,
by the age of 15 I was able to distinguish between regular dreaming
and insights to past lives and possible future events.

I could feel people's feelings & their thoughts,
but I didn't realize this was a gift until 1992,
when through the dream state
I was invited into the Mystery School.

I began my schooling in the spring of 1995, nine years later (2004)
I learned that I have come far enough to act as a guide and teacher
to others who now seek their Way.


Services Offered

All Services are $55/hr
Payment must be received prior to the Reading/Consultation

All classes can be done individually or in groups

  • Tarot ~ the history and how to read for yourself and friends
  • Meditation ~ learn how to tap into your own higher guidance
  • Sound Healing ~ what it is & how to apply it to your life
  • Manifestation ~ how to create a happier, more abundant life
  • Understanding the "Celestine Prophecy"& other Redfield books
  • Way of the Wise Woman ~ currently this is done on a one to one basis. I am in the process of working out a classroom type format where we can share and learn in a group setting.
  • Request a Reading or Consultation

    Clairvoyant,Clairaudient Empath


    • Energy Readings
    • Relationship and life Readings
    • Tarot Readings
    • Guided Meditations
    • Wise Woman Guidance (for those on the path of Teacher & Guide)
    • Help with Gifted Children
    • Energy Clearings
    • Numerology

    Licensed Minister


    • Marriages
    • Baptisms
    • Affirmations of Love
    • Renewel of Vows
    • Handfasting
    • Spiritual Counseling
    • Relationship Counseling


    Healing the Separation


    Read what I remember about Atlantis and Lemuria

    Heart of Sedona
    Contact Me