Who's Who

A guide to who appears... generally. Some people might randomly appear, but I'll try to explain who they are. If they become important they end up here. No, these aren't their real names.

Dee Part of the pre-college crew, she never writes me anymore. She's currently freaking out about going away to school. She's still one of my best pals, despite the lack of communication. We've shared some good times.
Lisa Very anti-technology, I think she'll be horrified to see herself on the web. She's the glamourous one of the bunch of my friends. And probably the most creative. She once made me a Jeff Buckley picture out of cordoroy and gold paper. And she does write me letters, real snail mail, which I adore.
Mutt and Jeff One of the many pairs of roommates, Mutt is on a committee with me, which means he disses my ideas. Jeff is someone I nearly had an ill-fated relationship with, but I realized he takes himself way too seriously, almost too distraction, and we don't get along at the best of times now. But read the archives, you'll see.
Tom and Drew These two come as a pair. They spend most of their time beating each other up and stealing street signs, amongst other bizarre boy things. I hang out with them quite a bit and, despite all the random flirtation and insults, consider them good friends.
John A ghost. He's the rebound guy from David. Yeah, I know. But check out this for more explanation.
Jimmy (Sometimes referred to as Beasley) Used to be just someone I hung out with, but he and I have become close as friends. It's cool. I can really talk to him and we understand each other.
Thelma and Louise Two of my closest friends. Thelma's sort of quiet and great to chat with. We've done some writing together. Louise is loud and crazy sometimes, but she's also one of the first people I'll seek advice from. One of her ex's suggested he have a threesome with Louise and I. We laughed. We're close, but not like that.
the stupid journal Not a person, this is the poetry journal I edit. Which is sometimes the very bane of my existence. But it has it's advantages.
David So he has his own page. It's just easier that way.
Luce She watches Buffy with me and we play online cribbage together. She's obsessed with Spike to the point that I expect her to marry the first guy with a British accent who looks like Spike.
Jan My cousin. She lives nearby but I rarely see her, unless I need to run away from here for a few days. She's the closest thing I have to an older sister.
Christopher Half the people I know think I'm in love with him, but we're really just friends. He's a good friend, too, despite his discovering my previous site and making things vaguely uncomfortable for a while.
Dice Chris used to have a website about her and her boyfriend (his roommate) and their activities, but he stopped. She found out. Um, it actually didn't go over TOO badly. Dice is cool, and I miss her now that I'm not at school.
uglylovebug Another one of my good pals. She went and graduated and who knows where she'll be... :( But she writes me email, which is thrilling!
Ed Ed is short for editor. I'm working for a teeny tiny paper this summer, and he's my boss. Nice, but he's my boss.
the mother hen Okay, I'll admit it. I don't take well to roommates. But this was ridiculous: bad food, bad (i.e. non-existent) conversation, and the infinite bad of having someone with no control over you try to control your movements and actions, like showers and dinnertimes, and when you could leave the house. And she wasn't a roommate: she's an old biddy who runs a B&B where I stayed during the time of The Red Sandal Diaries.
the guests Code for the people staying in the B&B. I was always secondary to these people in the eye of the mother hen, to the point that she acted like a martyr for taking me (a student, and English to boot) in and taking $1500 from me.
Phil If you start around March 20, 2001, you will see the reappearance of Phil within my life. It's an interesting story. It has a non-ending, because I still talk to him all the time. I still don't know where I stand, exactly, with him, but I'm not worried.
The Boss The editor and owner of the paper, and my boss. He's a nice guy, always cracking jokes, and seems to think I do a decent job, which is good. Except that no one calls me back. Which is bad. And he offered to take me to the beach with his kids because there's no one in town my age. They all runaway. Or they're pregnant townies with bad teeth (at least that's what I've seen...)
The streak (Or, Laurie) No, she doesn't streak. She works across the hall at the paper and comes into the office all the time for coffee, etc. It's decent and she's very cool - we talk men, music and such. And we both managed to find relationships this summer.
Mich Jack of all trades who practically runs the office. She likes to tease and is always good for a sympathetic roll of the eyes when the boss and Adman are being ridiculous.
Adman One of my favorite people in the office, despite his tendency towards rude, un-PC and disgusting jokes. His mind is in the gutter, always, which is usually good for a laugh. Plus, he's helpful, which is nice since I missed out on training in the baby confusion.
The proofer He makes everyone crazy with his obsessions with spelling and need to tell stories when everyone else is trying to work. But man, it's crazy. He's necessary to read everything. He just doesn't need to debate every change with us. We can figure out why! Really!
Annie Yes, she too gets a name. She's the reporter who covers another area, which has more real news than mine. But she's super nice and is an ally against the men in the office when Mich isn't here. Plus, she let me eat her French fries after the hotdog incident.
Matt My cousin's best friend. He also replaced Annie when she left. He did it for me. But read about the summer to really discover how taking a job at a newspaper can be an act of love.

Šlily keller 2001

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