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Contents for my Library

Here is the start of my Library. Soon I will have the rest of my works uploaded and then it will be on to my art work. Until then you will have to bear with my story, the Phropesy of the Dragonchild, my poetry, a couple of rants, my elfwood site and some works by other people. Until then, enjoy my work.

My Writings and Stuff

Well this is where my elfwood site is. At the moment unfortunatly Elfwood is down because some one decided to flame him. I hope that soon it will be back up but until then you will have to stick to my rants and my story.

Many times I write about my life in the form of poetry. Some things are easier to write about in the form of verse. Come here to read a choice selection of my favorite works. Come back everynow and again 'cause I will change them every now and again.

My Poetry

Now this page of my stuff is full of controversial rants. Actually they are just me annoyed at the world. There sometime is some intellectual stuff in them but this is a warning not to be angry at the writer for what has been put on the page. These have not been edited and are in the origional form as when they were written. Well I guess that is enough, now you may proceed.
My stuff

The Prophesy of The Dragonchild

The Prophesy of the Dragonchild is a story about Aramina, an elf who runs away from a betrothal. At the moment the story is on hold for editing and life stuff but soon I will finish the first book so I can put in the detail. The story at the present is not that detailed but you can get the gist of it so have fun reading and send comments if you would like to Starry_tiger

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Works by other Authors

A couple of fellow writers have asked me to place some of their stuff on my site. Here is where you can view their creative minds at work, or at lease some of it. At the moment there are not that meny because I still have to organize my files.
Other Artists

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