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~~~~ The Prophesy of the Dragonchild ~~~~

"When the yin and yang collide a dragonchild will restore the balance and bring harmony to the whole."

Chapter 6- Of banishment and contemplating revenge.

The morning light found an angry Tirran lying on the floor. He slowly got up, his body bruised and torn. Some ribs seemed broken by the impact from that damned wolf, Fang. Yet Tirran managed to stand and started to walk back to Eledandore at a slow pace. Dry blood had clotted in several places and his wounds caused Tirran great pain but nothing stopped him from continuing walking. Thoughts of the many twisted ways he would torture and kill both Aramina and Cypress ran through his head. An evil smile passed across his face as these malicious thoughts ran rampant through his mind. Anger drove Tirran forward combined with a strong will and he vowed that he would not rest until he saw the both of them die by his hands. Tirran reached the castle gates around noon exhausted, yet raged filled.

Weakly, he called out to the guard, "Open the gate!"

The elven guard looked over the rampart at the beaten up figure that stood alone in front of the gate. He turned away and yelled something that was beyond Tirran's understanding, but then returned and replied to Tirran in common. "I called for the local physician. What happened out there? The other knights returned last night."

Tirran, not explaining anything to the guard, simply called out. "Open the gates!" once again. The guard shrugged and left to open the gates. Slowly the metal bars rose and Tirran entered the castle. The doctor was waiting for him and the entrance.

Tirran recovered enough that he could get out of bed and walk around, but he could not participate in any serious activity or he would injure himself. He did not like the idea that he had to rest most of the day but had done everything the doctor had said to ensure that his recovery was fast. The sooner he could get out, the sooner he could find and finally capture Aramina and torture that Cypress. Prince Domikundo wanted the elf alive, so Tirran had to at least respect that. Tirran looked at the scars on his face, shoulder, and wrist every day reminding him what happened, stoking his hatred even more.

After about three weeks of resting, however, the knight felt completely fine. He immediately strapped on his armor and prepared for departure. On his way out of the door a messenger crashed into him with a thud.

"Excuse are you Tirran by any chance?" Tirran looked down at the message carrier for a second then nodded. "Then this is for you." The small elf put his hand in his coat, produced a small envelope and handed it over to Tirran, then turned around and left. Tirran watched the child as he walked away then turned his attention to the envelope. It had the Prince's Royal Seal on it he noticed, ripping the envelope open. The knight took out the letter and read it. "So I am to see the prince as soon as I can." He shrugged and threw the letter to the ground deciding to see what Prince Domikundo needed him for.

He thought about asking the Prince to lend him another squad of soldiers, this time more experienced soldiers, for tracking Aramina and Cypress. Almost a month had gone by and they could be anywhere by now. He tossed and turned ideas over in his head as he walked towards the main palace. An evil grin spread across his face every time his made up plan worked in his mind. After a successful run though he thought of another idea and played it thoroughly in his mind until the eventual outcome completed the death of Cypress and capture of Aramina.

It wasn't long before he stood in front of two spectacular marble doors, each easily standing a full ten feet. Tirran rubbed the smooth surface of one of the doors and found no fracture in it. The sun glistened off its reflective surface giving the marble a glassy look which made the doors seem even more marvelous than other times of the day. Tirran then turned his attention to the matter at hand, an audience with Prince Domikundo. He took one of the brass door handles and slammed it against the door. The sounds echoed through the main hall, which he could clearly hear on the outside. A few minutes passed then the door opened. An elf blocked Tirran's entry to the main palace.

He took one look at Tirran, gave a slight snort then asked, "What is your business here human?" Tirran glared at the elf before he answered, "I was summoned by your master, Prince Domikundo. My name is Tirran Darkfate, mercenary. So if you would kindly step aside and let me pass?" The elf started at him a moment then glance over his shoulder, what he was looking at Tirran could not see, but the elf finally stepped aside telling Tirran to enter the palace.

"If you would be so kind as to wait in the main Hall until my master sends word for you." Tirran simply nodded and the elf trotted off and soon Tirran found himself alone in a great wondrous manor. It seamed that not only were the doors carved out of marble, but the whole palace seemed to be made from marble too. Even Tirran had to marvel at such a site. Never before had he seen such mastery of structure and architecture. As he walked down the large hallway, he noticed that other hallways connected to this great walkway. Giant pillars rose above him, giving strength to the great crystal arches that seemed to hang above him. The ceiling was a dome shape with many stain glass windows high above. The sunlight beamed though the windows and it seemed to create an image of beauty in the center of the dome. Tirran found he had a new found respect for the elven kind that created such exquisite artwork. He continued to walk down the hall in silent wonder being continuously amazed by the gorgeous tapestries that were hung in small coves on the walls. The hallway stopped at a pair of tall wooden doors, obviously the Prince's throne room. Standing in front was an elf wearing a simple robe with a sash around her waist. The robe donned the royal colors and emblem of Prince Domikundo. Tirran started at the elf girl, captured by her beauty. Ever since he arrived to help bring Aramina to the Prince he had not seen one elf who's features where nothing but perfect. All the elven kind he encountered had fair skin and a wonderful complexion. Their hair seemed to shine with the same radiance as the sun in daylight. The maid left her post by the door and greeted Tirran warmly.

"My Prince will meet you shortly. He is presently receiving council. Please sit down and wait until my Prince will see you." She instructed him to a large cushioned bench that stood to the side. Tirran nodded at the maid and smiled, then twirled around and walked off towards the bench. When he sat down a wave of relief passed through his body.

Tirran sat rather comfortably waiting for the Prince to see him. After a while he felt his impatience rising and began to fidget. He looked around room trying to pass time, then he saw another maid, wearing the same attire as the other and caring a silver platter that was balanced on the palm of one hand. He couldn't see what she carried and hopefully though it would be drinks. His throat had begun to feel parched. The maid indeed carried several chalices of liquid. She slightly bowed before Tirran and offered him some wine.

"My Lord sends his regards to you, and will meet with you shortly, but until then he hopes that you would accept this in turn for your patience." She took a golden chalice off the plate and presented it to Tirran.

A smile spread across the knight's face. "Your Prince is too kind. Give my thanks to him." The maid simply nodded and walked off. Tirran stared at the deep red wine, sniffed it, and then swirled it around. He shrugged and then drained the chalice in one single gulp. He opened his eyes wide in surprise. This was the sweetest wine Tirran had ever had. He tried to savor the last drops as he licked the chalice clean from its contents. The knight stretched out feeling drowsy, but then the doors opened startling out of his stupor.

"Prince Domikundo of Eledandore wishes to see the knight, Tirran Darkfate." A short elven girl looked towards Tirran and beckoned. "I would not keep him waiting."

Tirran sprang up and strode through the great wooden doors. "My Lord, you call for me? How may I be of service?"

Prince Domikundo sat in a great throne that towered above all who stood in the great room. Elves of all races stood about the room in their finery, creating a rainbow of colours that swirled and shimmered, putting Tirran's garments to shame. In one corner stood four Avriels, elves with the whitest wings the knight had ever seen who looked like the floated with every step they took. In another corner a small fountain refreshed a group of aquatic elves with shimmering green hair and bubbling voices. A pompous looking elf in large golden-embroidered robes thumped on the floor with an old knarled staff. "Order, Order. His Grace the Prince of Eledandore demands order." The old elf's eyes sweaped over the floor as the crowd quieted. "Will the Knight, Tirran Darkfate approach the throne."

A muttering arose as Tirran walked up. A human was rarely seen in the Court of Elves. The old elf again glared at the gathering and the noise was subdued. Prince Domikundo stood up. "Tirran Darkfate you were given a duty to bring back Aramina Dragongem, last in line of the Dragon Family, keepers of the Dragon Lands. You failed in this duty, endangered the lives of twenty-five of my elite soldiers and failed to capture a half-elf who traveled with Aramina. How do you plead?"

"Let me have another try, I know how those two work together and I know how to defeat them." Tirran came close to begging.

Ignoring Tirran's plea the Prince continued. "Let the record stand that Tirran Darkfate of the human lands is hereby banished from the elven kingdom of Eledandore. He has three days to journey through the Forbidden Forest and he can never return." The Prince waved his hand, dismissing the furious knight and then turned his attention to the elven crier. "Next business?"

Tirran stalked out of the room in a blazing fury. "How dare they, those despicable elves. I risked my life and limb for his plans of domination and what does he do. Well I will stop this crazed Prince. If I cannot have what I wanted, he will not have the Dragon Lands. I will kill Aramina and Cypress and then all will fail." He went into the room he had been using, packed up what little he had and tore out of the room with a grim look on his face. "I make this promise on this day Aramina and Cypress will die and Domikundo will fail." Tirran jumped onto his horse and rode off through the night.

Meanwhile in the Prince's quarters of the castle Domikundo sat in a chair writing when a shadow crept up. "You let him go? He will tell the Human king. What are you going to do when he does that."

"He won't his revenge is too great. That knight will go after Aramina first. That is what I am counting on." Prince Domikundo turned to the shadow. "When he finds Aramina I will be alerted. Sorcerer Mindas has a locator spell on him that will activate when he comes close to the Dragonchild."

Captain Bloodhand came out of the shadows and placed his hand on the desk. "And when Tirran finds and captures Aramina we will capture him and the elf then dispose of them both. As long as Aramina is the last of the Dragon line there is no one who can claim the lands when Lord Kaarn dies."

"Once I have control over the Dragon Lands I will have control over the whole elven kingdom. Not even the Prophesy will stop me." Prince Domikundo smiled. "So what news comes from the front?"

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