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~~~~ The Prophesy of the Dragonchild ~~~~

"When the yin and yang collide a dragonchild will restore the balance and bring harmony to the whole."

Chapter 7- Introducing a new character and finding out bad news.

Sarani Moonbow sighed in fustration. She had been searching in the Forbidden forest for three weeks and still she hadn't found any sign of the lost one. Plenty of monsters and magical creatures, some she had never seen or heard of before but not who she was looking for. The elf pushed a strand of hair out of the way voicing her thoughts out loud. "If it wasn't for that this forest would have been perfect for an adventure." As if in answer a large shape jumped over her growling and snarling. With a hunter's reaction she whipped out her sword and struck at the beast. It howled as she hit the golden furred animal and it landed on its feet but then slumped to the ground. Sarani then had a good look and realized that it was a mother leopard. She looked to the side where the mother had come from and there in the foliage sat two young cubs staring hungrily at her.

"Oh dear, what have I done?" Sarani knelt beside the leopard and felt the gash. "She will die if she doesn't get help soon." She walked over to the speckled kittens and placed them wiggling in a tan bag. "She only attacked me to protect her cubs. I must do something." The elf wrapped the gash as best she could, knowing it wasn't enough. Quickly creating a litter out of two branches and weaving fronds between, she moved the leopard onto it, tying ropes firmly around the mother cat. Then Sarani picked up the two branches and started to drag the leopard down the path with the mewling kittens on her back.

Every now and again she checked on the leopard and examined the surrounding region for medicinal herbs. Unfortunately Sarani could not recognize any of the herbs that grew around her. One tree that looked like a willow seemed the best choice so she made a poultice and hoped that it would help a little. Slowly the leopard got weaker even with the poultice and Sarani knew that unless she found proper help this mother would die. That night tired and worried, the elf watched over the hurt mother as she lay on the ground surrounded by her two cubs. They knew something felt wrong and mewed pitifully. "There is nothing I can do. I have no knowledge of the healing arts. Can you forgive me." The leopard looked at Sarani and blinked slowly with a look filled with understanding. The elf regarded the cat for awhile as the leopard cubs snuggled up close then lay down beside her and watched the stars. All that night Sarani kept her vigil over the sleeping mother hoping that against all odds the leopard would be fine. The moon glided across the sky and the stars twinkled as time passed. Soon the rosy glow of sunrise spread over the forest waking up the weavers of the tapestry of chirps and twitters that spread throughout the forest. Sarani looked over towards the mother leopard, she was breathing shallow and seemed in a lot of pain. "You have to say here, for your cubs. Please don't die on me. I'm sorry just please do not die!" Sarani almost wept in sadness as the great cat closed her eyes for the last time.

"Is there something I can do?" There before her stood a rather handsome guy wearing a forest green shirt and dark brown pants. "I am a druid and I think I can heal her."

"Oh please could you?" Sarani moved out of the way and the druid stepped close to the mother and her cubs, crouched down near her and started growling and purring at the leopard. "I was walking too close the her nest and when she jumped at me I slashed her with my sword. If I had known that she was a mother I would have left her alone." The guy placed his hands over the leopard and growling softly at her she slowly started muttering while a pale blue light washed over the gash. Slowly the blue light of the mana faded into the golden speckled coat and a breath of life awoke the mother leopard. She purred loudly, bumping her forehead against the druid's in thanks then walked over to Sarani and jumped up, placing her paws on the elf's shoulders.

"She is saying thank you." The druid stood up holding the two rambunctious cubs. "By the way my name is Cypress Oakenheart. Do you have a place to stay the night? Sahana you are welcome too."

"My name is Sarani Moonbow. Who is Sahana?" Sarani looked around.

"Sahana would be the mother leopard you hit." Cypress smiled and tossed the playful cubs. "She has taken a liking to you and wishes to join you in your travels."

"I would love for you to join, Sahana." Sarani knelt down and stroked her behind the ears. "I only hope my travels will be at an end soon. I am looking for an old friend of mine who left her family almost a year ago now. It is important that I find her but I have not had that much luck. I wish I knew where she was, if she is doing fine or even if she found her answer."

"Well I'll show you to the cottage, it is close to here. I had been restocking my herb pouches as I seemed low on many of my medicinal herbs. That when I heard your cry for help." Cypress stopped and looked around then, reaching behind a bush, he pushed away a section of the brush that bordered the path and uncovered a secret passage in amongst the trees. One by one, Sarani following Cypress and Sahana coming last, they walked up the winding path as it went this way and that. The trees over hung the passage and it was easy to tell that this place could not be found from the air. "How come this cottage is so hidden? Are you traitors to the crown?" Sarani immediately felt sorry that she has asked that. "I mean only elves that have been banished ever live in the Forbidden Forest and with a house this hidden…" "No we are not traitors. I am not even a true elf. I am a half-elf and I have lived in these woods for nearly all my life. My mother was captured by a bunch of human bandits and my father who saved her fell in love with her at first sight. She also grew to love him and soon they married in the human lands. Humans unfortunately do not get along with elves so my mother and father were hounded so much that they left the human lands to live in the Forbidden Forest. I've been here ever since. So growing up in the forest I became very familiar with the animals and the plants. So my mother invited a druid here to teach me the ways of the forest and the magicks therein, including how to heal and fight using the forest, my own strength and my cunning otherwise I would be persecuted as a half breed by both humans and elves. His teachings is how I was able to save Sahana."

"Wow you must have had a lonely life." Sarani looked at him in wonder. "I always thought that half elves were evil and the product of wrong doings but you seem ok. I never even knew you were a half elf until you told me."

"Well that is an advantage. I look like a short, squat, rough looking elf or a tall, slender human. Both have a disadvantage in each other's ideal of an elf or human but I can pass for both. On the down side if someone has seen a half elf before they could recognize me for what I am immediately. As for being lonely in the forest. I have my fellow forest creatures and monsters to talk to. I have the gift of talking to any animal and creature. That is why I can speak to you in elven yet I can also speak in human. I have no native language so I can speak all languages. And ever since I met my wife I have been happy."

"Oh you have joined?" Sarani looked curious. "With who?"

"You will meet her presently. Here we are at the cottage." Cypress led Sarani around a corner and there in front of her stood this wonderful little cottage in the middle of a clearing with a small herb garden beside and a plume of smoke coming from the chimney.

"Wow what a pretty place." Sarani looked around at the beauty for the clearing. A small spring bubbled in one corner flowing into a stream that sparkled and glistened in the sun. Colourful flowers dotted the area while a small, stone covered path lead up to the wooden door.

As they walked in Cypress called out for Mina. Around the corner with flowers in her hair and a wet bandage in her hands, Aramina saw Sarani and opened her arms with a laugh of joy. "Sarani! I never thought I would see you again. How are you? How are Mother and Father? Is Tarna doing fine? Why are you here in the woods?"

"Hello Aramina I thought I would not find you. After you ran away the house was in such a riot looking for you. Your mother and father are doing well considering… Aria I have news I need to tell you but it can wait a little while." After hugging Aramina, Sarani, curious as ever, looked her friend in the eye. "What is this about you joined?"

"Oh Sarani. Cypress here saved my life from being captured by Tirran who worked for the Prince. He helped me that night I ran away so long ago now. It has almost been a year now. Oh I missed you, and everyone else at the manor." Cypress looked dumb-struck at the turning of the tides. "You know her Mina?" Aramina turned and looked at her love. "Oh yes. We were best friends while growing up. She was the one who helped me escape. We got into many a trouble when we were together." Aramina smiled in memory. "I can remember those times so well."

Aramina invited Sarani to sit down for a drink and something to eat. They talked for a long while, catching up on the times that had passed, telling Cypress of their adventures. Soon the conversation died down as the candles burnt down to the wick.

Aramina turned to Sarani. "What was that news you were going to tell me?"

Sarani looked down at her cup and sighed. "I guess you must know. Aramina, your father is dying." "But that would mean..." Aramina looked up at Sarani in horror.

"You are the only heir to the Dragonlands. Everyone thinks you are dead though..."

So the lands will go to the prince." Aramina was thoughtful. "Doesn't he almost have control over all the lands of Eledandore?"

"Through family ties? Yes." Sarani's eyes widened. "You don't think?"

"I do." Aramina glanced angrily at Sarani. "If only..."

Cypress interrupted. What is wrong?" He looked towards Aramina. "Why are you so angry Mina?"

"I come from a noble family who takes care of the Dragonlands. I am the last of the Dragon line shown by my name Dragongem. Prince Domikundo hoped to gain control of the Dragonlands by joining hands with me but when I disappeared we think he caused my father's illness. He wants me to come back to the city and claim my place or my father will die and the lands will be given to the Prince."

Cypress realized how big it was and looked worried. "What would happen if you went back?"

"I do not know what would happen to her. Especially now you two are joined." Sarani looked at both of them. "Unless the Prince kills you, then joins hands with Aramina. He will have the lands any way he can. He was such a valiant, honorable leader before. Now, however his rulings have taken a turn for the worst. I do not understand why."

"We must go back to Eledandore, save my father and find out who is behind all of this." Aramina stood up quickly, startling Sahara who had been laying in the corned nursing her cubs. "We need to leave immediately."

"But you can not leave. You will endanger yourself. I do not want you going back there when we have only just been able to find somewhere that is hidden enough to live peacefully." Cypress grasped hold of Aramina's shoulders. "I love you Mina and I do not want anything to happen to you."

"I love you too but if I don't do something my father will die and the Dragonlands will be under the control of the Prince. I can not let that happen." Aramina stared imploringly at Cypress. "I do not know what to do." She sank down to her chair.

"Aramina there is another option. You can go back and announce your joining to Cypress. You can keep the Dragonlands and hold on to the family name too." Sarani almost jumped for joy at the revelation.

"How can I do that. I would have to be carrying a child…" Aramina looked shocked at Sarani's nod. "You mean I am with child? That would mean..."

"If you took your place as Lady of the Dragonlands, your child would become the rightful heir." Cypress realized the implications then felt weak. "I am going to be a father!"

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