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~~~~ The Prophesy of the Dragonchild ~~~~

"When the yin and yang collide a dragonchild will restore the balance and bring harmony to the whole."

Chapter 3- Of secrets and captures and visiting new places.

Early next morning they reached the outskirts of a bustling town. Tirran wandered off much to Cypress's delight so the druid got to show Aramina around the human town. Aramina kept her ears hidden and wore her cloak tightly around her face to hide her elven features. Yet nothing could hide the look of wonder at so much life in just a little town. Cypress took her to the market and to see the sights. The huge temples impressed her and she wandered inside them with her eyes wide open, looking at the wonderful paintings and tapestries.

It wasn't until dark that Cypress and Aramina found Tirran again. An hour later found all three in a run-down tavern with many drunkards singing along with the local bard. Nothing like the temples she had just seen, the heavy stench of beer swam through the air. A think pungent smell that Aramina had never experienced before produced such disgust for air, and she stood up to leave as the barmaid came by and dropped three mugs of ale on top of the table. Tirran dug into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin and tossed it to the barmaid who smiled at him. Aramina took a sip of her drink and spat it out. Tirran laughed at the sight and Aramina got angry with him and took one full gulp for spite. Seconds later she had downed the whole glass and ordered a second. Aramina casually said, "He's paying," pointing to Tirran who only grunted and fetched another coin and tossed it to the maid. Aramina had finally gotten used to her surroundings. "So now tell me. How did you two get caught up in all this mess? And what have I walked into." The knight chugged down his ale. Aramina did not answer but instead took another gulp of her ale, in a short time she had grown to like this taste, and wanted more. But before she could do anything else she felt the eyes of Cypress upon her and she looked at him for a moment full of confusion. Cypress's eye contact bade her to be careful around this man.

"Why is such a pretty lady so far away from home?" The smoothness of Tirran's voice reeked of trouble but Aramina hardly noticed.

"Oh... I ran away 'cause I didn't want to be betrothed. I want to have adventure before I settle myself down."

A noise from the outside alerted Fang, who slept under the table. He slunk outside to investigate with a worried druid in tow. Cypress didn't like these urban areas of unknown dangers. Tirran stared at departing Cypress with a grin across his face. When he left he turned his attentions towards Aramina. She had finished her ale, and Tirran sensed she wanted more. "Here, allow me to share my ale, just let me put a little more flavor." Aramina nodded with delight as Tirran produced a package out of his pockets and emptied the contents into his drink. Aramina then took his drink and gulped it all down. She closed her eyes as the drink flowed down her throat. She had noticed that something had been different about this. It didn't taste any different from before, but before she could say anything her thoughts became clouded over as Tirran's voice penetrated all her senses. She tried to keep her mind onto the conversation but her thoughts kept wondering off. Aramina listened to Tirran talk, not saying in a word, taking everything he had said, but at the same time she was powerless to do otherwise.. "So what do you think?" Tirran caught her off guard with a question.

"About what?" Aramina, oblivious to anything around her, didn't see the shadowy figures that entered the room.

"Would you like to join me in my adventures? I go everywhere and I see many things; I would like to show you these things if I can." His smooth voice snaked into her mind, smothering her ideas. She struggled with herself, as she knew that someone else had joined her in her travels. A brief picture of a blond-hared guy with a wolf flashed in her mind and her conscious reached for the image that disappeared like smoke. She searched again for her memories but nothing came up, yet every bone in her body screamed out it was wrong. She tried once more and lost herself in the darkness of her mind, lost forever.


Cypress searched the area, hidden by the long shadows given off by the sunset. He closed his eyes and mentally contacted his pet, Fang. The wolf came dashing out of nowhere and knelt beside the young druid. Cypress, too, knelt beside Fang and laid a hand on the wolf's head. Flashes of blinding light spurted out, rending Cypress sightless, he closed his eyes and an image began to take form. At first it appeared as a hazy blur that seemed to moving along, yet as the image gradually began to take form Cypress saw the imperial knights, then he caught glimpse of another figure, Aramina. Cypress broke the connection with Fang and at once ran to the tavern, even more crowded than when he had left it. He knew that many scoundrels and villains only showed themselves at sundown, he did not wish to get mixed up with those types. He pushed his way back to the table that he had sat with Aramina and Tirran. The half elf grabbed the barmaid that had served them and almost shouted at her, but he controlled himself.

"Where is the girl?" A dark look possessed his face. "Tell me where did she go?"

The barmaid, startled, dropped a mug from her hands. The shattering of the glass on the floor brought her back to her senses. Cypress repeated his question.

"She went with your knight friend. I overheard them saying something about an adventure." The barmaid answered, still shaken.

Cypress almost collapsed with loneliness and rejection as he realized what had happened. "She just didn't want to settle down she said nothing about not wanting to love." His thoughts crushed his spirit as he sank down to the chair where once Aramina had sat.

The doors to the tavern slammed open and Cypress looked up to see who had just came in. A knight, full in armor and a big grin across his fine chiseled face patted with pride a bag of gold tied around his waist. The knight was Tirran, Cypress's rage could clearly showed. He narrowed his eyes towards the knight with hatred, left the barmaid and made his way to Tirran. The knight felt a slight tap on his shoulder and spun around to find Cypress staring at him with cold eyes.

"Where is she?" Cypress asked in a low and controlled voice obviously filled with anger. However Cypress's rage did not phase Tirran much as the knight remained in high spirits answering back with a laugh, "You have found your way into something that does not concern you, Druid. Now depart before I am forced to kill you here on this spot. The Prince planned all this, and now Aramina's fate is sealed, "

Cypress glared at Tirran then whistled for Fang who ran to him and they both departed in a fury. The half elf ran out and realized that he had no way to chase the knights. He spotted a horse in a stable and decided that he must steal and run. He jumped onto the horse, sliced the restraints with a dagger and galloped away, Fang in hot pursuit.

Cypress had spotted tracks and knew he rode on the right path. He spurred on his horse, knowing he would reach them soon, for they were riding in a small company and traveled a bit slower than Cypress. Dusk had settled over the land and Cypress could see a faint glow in the horizon. He knew that had to be where they were taking Mina. Her face shone in his mind, calling to him. Remembering the past weeks of her presence he felt lonely again. He had to get Aramina back, even if it cost him his life.

He stood facing the walls of a castle. Fortified with high walls and one entrance. Cypress looked around to see if could find some way to scale the wall, or if there any other way would work. He ran his hand along the wall trying to find a place where he could climb, but the moment he made contact with the wall he looked as though overwhelmed with the presence of a life force. The castle, not made of stone, appeared in fact made out of living rock. Now the druid knew he had a chance of getting over. He placed both hands onto the wall and silently chanted. The wall in front of him began to quiver with a slight glow and parted enough so that Cypress could use the indents as foot holes. Every time his hand touched the wall another crevice was made and he continued to climb until he reached the top. Reaching the ramparts he signaled for Fang to hide, and the wolf disappeared into the darkness. He made his way though the castle, not entirely sure were he was going, but something pulled him on. He had a sense of where she was and followed his heart. Several times he had to dodge into the shadows to escape detection of wandering guards. After what seemed hours, Cypress finally made his way to a large oak door. This was the place; he could feel it. Gently he knocked onto the door and listened carefully to the muffled sounds behind the wooden barrier. She lay in there he knew it. Concentrating carefully he placed his hands onto the heavy oak door and delved into the time when it stood still as a tree. Awakening those dormant memories he helped the tree remember memories of growing tall and wide, of spreading root in the ground and branches in the air. The wooden door slowly changed, beginning to take on a more lively color, and soon its furnished exterior grew rough as bark. Small pieces of wood jutted out and began to bud. The door transformed back into the tree from hence it came. He stepped through a gap in the newly formed tree and looked around. The room was large and extravagant, many ornaments and banners were hung up for decoration, but Cypress ignored those rich objects when he spotted the one thing that he came searching for, Aramina. Lying on a large bed in the center of the room, she slept, a blissful look adorned her face. The druid hesitated a moment, fighting back feelings he knew he had for her, but could never express. He leaned over her, gently kissed her on the cheek then stood back to watch as the elf began to stir.

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