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~~~~ The Prophesy of the Dragonchild ~~~~

"When the yin and yang collide a dragonchild will restore the balance and bring harmony to the whole."

Chapter 4- Of heroes escaping and fights with villains.

As Cypress watched her laying on the bed, Aramina's eyes fluttered open and she sighed. "I thought I would never see you again and that I would have to marry that prince." Aramina's voice wavered with feeling as she hugged him. She looked into his eyes confused and started to look around, "You're not Tirran? Where is he?" Standing up she started to search for him. "Tirran. Tirran is the one who sold you out Mina." His face hid his secret hatred towards the human, but his words did not. Aramina's expression changed into seriousness and looked at Cypress in disbelief at his words.

"No he couldn't have. He said he loved me, we were going to spend our lives together and I was going to go adventuring with him. He wouldn't do anything like that. You're lying! Where is he? Where is he?!" She collapsed with the force of the emotions that she felt.

Cypress caught her and started to lead her off. "Look we will get caught if we stay here." Remembering the twists and turns he led her out of the castle. The castle which before had seemed quiet bustled with activity and guards seemed to be at every corner. One wrong turn and both Aramina's and the druid's escape would be impossible. Many times they had to break into another room to avoid being caught, but luckily enough rooms proved vacant. Soon they reached the corridor that would lead them to safety.

"We're almost out, Mina, then I can tell you what I know. Aramina halted, not allowing Cypress to continue any further.

"Tell me where Tirran is now. I need to be with him. I have for once found my one love. Tell me where he is Druid!" Aramina shouted at Cypress, her voice thick with emotion. Cypress looked at her and felt pity. "What have they done to you Mina. Tell me, what have they done."

"Tell me where he is!"

A sound startled both of them and they turned around in time to see a large shape emerge from the shadows. Tirran stepped up.

He said calmly, "Its all right. I am here now love." His sword, now out of the scabbard, pointed to Cypress. "I thought I told you not to get involved." Aramina ran to his side and hugged the knight tightly. "I told you I would have to kill you, and now I will. You have meddled with my Lords plans more than enough. This will be your last day Druid, remember it well. Remember the one who killed you, Cypress Oakenhart." A sneer accompanied the druids name.

Cypress raised his staff, ready for combat as Tirran unleashed a combination of attacks that drove the druid back against the wall. With each attacking blow that he blocked, the druid's grip loosened on his staff. Tirran took a step back and then quickly tried to put an end to Cypress with a sword slash aimed to the neck. Cypress instinctively ducked and rolled away from his attacker and took a firmer grip on his staff. Tirran screamed with rage as he commenced another series of chained assaults. But Cypress realized that he used the same combination of attacks. He quickly evaluated his enemy's next attack and stepped to the side, letting Tirran's sword crash into the ground. Exposing his back Cypress rammed his staff into his foe's gut. Air exploded from Tirran's mouth as he clutched his stomach. Cypress then raised his staff and brought it down, but Tirran was a veteran fighter and had expected such a maneuver. He reacted by throwing a dagger at the half-elf which caught him in the leg which made Cypress tumble. The druid immediately drew the dagger out of his body and yelled with pain and anger. Tirran raised his sword again, expecting a killing blow.

Cypress stood motionless with his staff held above him. He started to chant his incantation, "My blood for water, my love for fire, my life for earth, my spirit for air." Tirran, realizing the young druid had begun to cast a spell, ran towards Cypress, his sword in the lead.

A golden glow started to form around Cypress's oaken staff and slowly engulfed his entire body, glowing stronger and more vibrant as he continued to chant, "Give her back her life, take back the false love, enrich her spirit, and strengthen her blood. With the end of my pain, her life will begin again." Tirran sprung upon Cypress, and he ran his sword though the druid as the golden glow around Cypress exploded in a blinding light and hurled itself towards Aramina. She looked at it in horror and screamed as it hit her. Cypress fell limp on Tirran's blade, and the knight withdrew it from the dead druid.

"With the end of my pain, her life will begin again." Aramina awoke, her eyes opening widely as she saw Tirran standing over Cypress's still figure. The golden energy flowed over her body and empowered her to move towards Tirran, staring at him with the cold stare of Cypress's hatred. With each step she took, the energy around her discharged and struck out creating a path of destruction as she walked towards Tirran. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you."

Tirran looked at the power that Aramina had gained, turned and fled. Aramina shouted after him, "You are no knight, but I promise where ever you go I will find you, and kill you." She then turned her attention towards the fallen Cypress. formed in her eyes as she knelt over him, picking him up in her arms, gently cradling the still figure. Slowly images of Cypress's thoughts entered her mind and now she realized what had happened. Golden tears splashed onto Cypress and slowly emitted the same golden glow that surrounded Aramina. The elf realized that with Cypress's memories she could try to do the same that the half elf had done for her. "By the power of fire, wind, water and earth; turn the spell back to its birth." The glow surrounding her brightened and then flowed down her hands into Cypress. She found herself chanting and as she did the wound on his chest started to close, pulling closer and closer as the healing spell came into effect. The druid's chest heaved as life came pouring into his body once more and he opened his eyes to the face of his love Aramina.

"Mina... I..." Cypress found it hard to talk.

"Shhh... it's ok I know." Aramina's smile showed the truth. "I got your memories too you know."

Cypress smiled up at her. "So what now pretty elf?" He rose to his knees and helped Aramina up. "Where are we going to go?"

"I don't know but any where with you would be perfect."

Again Cypress smiled, staring into Aramina's eyes. He had finally found what he had been searching for all his life, a true love. Suddenly the druid fell to the floor in fatigue as the passed events swept over him. The wound that Tirran has inflicted left Cypress dizzy although it had been healed through Aramina's spell.

"Cypress are you ok?" Aramina quickly dove down to catch Cypress as he fell and helped him back onto his feet. She then wrapped his arm around her neck to support him.

Cypress nodded, answering the question. "I will be fine in a while. Let's get out of here." Aramina, half carrying Cypress, hastily made their way down the corridor towards the large double doors at the entrance. They finally reached the main hall and the elf gasped. Guards swarmed over the doors, barricading their only escape. Cypress cursed as he pulled Aramina back into the shadows.

"We can't get out that way." He whispered. "We have to climb down the castle walls." Aramina looked at him questioningly. "That is how I came up here in the first place. Don't worry about it, just follow my lead."

"But you're hurt... You can't possibly climb down the walls in your condition." Aramina looked worried.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. This is our only chance. If we are caught now I will surly be put to death and you will be in the hands of the prince."

Aramina sighed for she knew Cypress spoke the truth. They had to climb down the walls, it was their only chance of escape. Quickly they ran into a random room to get away from the commotion. Luckily the only living creature inside was a large barn owl sitting on a post which watched them with large eyes. Cypress told Aramina to let go of him as he could now stand on his feet without assistance. He slowly paced himself to the window, unlocked it, and opened it up. The druid looked down to see how far off they had to climb. Five stories down a garden spread beneath him. Before Aramina could object, Cypress climbed out of the window, closing his eyes to concentrate on not falling. Aramina ran towards Cypress and look down, saw him hanging there and gasped.

"Its all right Mina. I can make my way down." Again, using the living castle to his advantage he made foot holds so that he could climb down with Aramina following. It did not take long for them to reach the ground, however Cypress had become tired again from using so much magic in such a short time so needed Aramina to support him. The moon hung high in the sky, lighting the night sky so it looked almost as bright as day. Cypress knew they would surely be caught with a full moon out and hurried across the gardens to get to the forest that lay beyond the plains surrounding the castle. Aramina and Cypress made their way to the forest as fast as they could, however it wasn't long before a guard had spotted them and sounded the alarm. Cypress cursed, they were almost to the forest borders, and once there, he knew they had a better chance of escaping.

Moments later the ground slightly trembled and the druid gasped. "It's the calvary, we have to move fast before they overtake us! Run Mina! I'll see what I can do to detain them."

Tears sprung into Aramina's eyes. "I can not leave you now! I have finally found my soul mate! I have found you!"

"And you'll find me again. I promise. Now go! Fang will be waiting." Cypress signaled to Fang who lead Aramina away.

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