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Syrena Tatzumaru

Name: Syrena Tatzumaru (Tat-soo-mar-oo)

Race: Human

Power: Light-based

Eyes: Gray

Hair: White

Weapon: Long katana

Syrena was a childhood friend of both Draea Xian and Laura Esmerelda. However, she was banished from their island home because the authorities thought her psychic powers would make her a threat. She wandered from island to island before finally landing in General Kaspar's America. The general hired her to go into space with the avian dragon Kaiser Stryfe and create a gigantic alien armada. She did so and returned twenty years later... when Ripley Scarlet was ruling. She was then double-crossed by Kaiser and left to die. Rescued by Neyon and Laura, she joined the Luminienne officers. Years later, she married the Brood Arxaphad Montgomery and had a daughter named December.