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Past Updates                                                                                                                                                 Home
October 23/24, 2004
And to continue with this weekend's update, which was so big I had to split it over 2 days....

First, Rachelle has her latest Krycek art up on her art page. As well, she has 3 new skipper collages up in the Skipper Gallery.

One of our lovely and talented guest authors, Belladonna, now has an entire portion of the site dedicated to all of her work, which you can find here

As well, if you're over at LiveJournal (and if you're not, what are you waiting for???) check out the community dedicated to Alex Krycek, krycek_lives. It's where you'll be able to see Eve's fiction first, as well as fiction, fanart, and icons from all the other talented members.

September 23,2004

The update for today: FICTION FICTION FICTION by Eve! Another chapter for Category Mistake, a angsty bit of Krycek and Marita in Burnt Out, a new drabble page and a K/Sc WIP called Phantom Pain

Also, Eve has been collaborating with Kayljay on a Krycek/Doggett story affectionately known as Kraft Dinner.

Rachelle's art site Fantasy Fuel has a gift page where some presents are on display, including some Krycek birthday fiction by Belle: Marked and Eve: It Happened One Night

August 2, 2004 Fixed a few broken links on the art pages, and added 2 new pictures by Rachelle, one for Eve's fiction page and one for Belle's fiction page.

July 4, 2004

The skipper gallery has been updated, with more pictures by Rike, Lily, Anna, Maria, Touchstone, and Rita. Also a new link to emeraldteal's home, with some great Krycek art. Check it out!

March 12, 2004

Tons of new pics added! See Rachelle's lastest work on her Art Page, and miracle of miracles, the Skipper Gallery is finally up. In the coming weeks we'll be working to give the art galleries a more streamlined appearance, but for now we didn't want anyone missing out on all the wonderful visuals!

March 7, 2004

It seems like your humble webmistress can be a bit of a dumbass. So this time, when I say there will be new stories to read, you won't be taken to an Error 404 page, but *gasp* the actual story.

Like a Whore by Belladonna

A Sweet Taste of Cherry by Denyce


January 25, 2004

Updates for the coming week are...

(cue triumphant music)

4 new fics added!!! Three by Belladonna and one by Denyce. Happy reading!!!!

We are still working on some of the galleries, so check back soon for lots of new pics!

January 11, 2004

eXiled is ringing in the New Year with an all-new layout--hope you like it. There are also some long awaited updates.

New fiction added--Eve has completed the fourth installment of Category Mistake. We have two new Guest Authors, Denyce and Thiefofox. Also, one of our previous Guest Authors, Belladonna, has become a full-fledged member of eXiled, with her very own page. Check back often as she will be adding much more fic soon!

New visuals added--many of Rachelle's pictures have been archived, so make sure to check them out. The Guest Artist page has been finished, and check back soon for the new Skipper Gallery, featuring--you guessed it--all Krycek and Scully art.

New links added--links for Bardsmaid's and Spica's websites have been added to the favorite links page

New random--we've added a page listing all of the Krycek episodes. Eventually the page will also include episode summaries/reviews.

May 9, 2003

Two announcements: Touchstone has created a wonderful cover for Belle's story Elegy, which is the sequel to Loss. And Rachelle has a new website dedicated to her artwork, called Fantasy Fuel. So go check it out. There's pics from X-Files, Once a Thief, BtVs and Angel, and much more!

March 23, 2003

Alright folks, time for a major update. All the new artwork by Linzee, Maria, and Rike is up on the art page. We have started hosting fiction by authors who are not ourselves, and so far the list is composed of Belladonna (famous for her poignant post-Existence fic Loss) and Spica (of A Dream of Fools fame, a story that gets hotter each time you read it). Go read their fiction. And lastly, just a quick note that Eve's non-X-Files fiction page has moved to it's own home, Eve's World.

March 16, 2003

It's finally here! The long awaited sequel to The Interrogation and The Call: The Plan. It features lots of great artwork from Linzee, Rike, and Maria. Enjoy!

February 24, 2003

Just a few quick notes. The typos in After The Rain Has Fallen have been fixed, and the link to the second half of Eve's Highlander/Angel crossover, Mercury, has been fixed. You can read the second part here, or start from the beginning.

October 26, 2002

Hey everyone. This is less of an update, and more of an apology for not updating. Life is crazy, and we're trying to do what we can, but it's not going so well. So again, sorry for the lack of updates and wish us good luck!!

September 22, 2002

There's a new cover for After the Rain Has Fallen by Sandra. We also have a few new artists, including Anna who did a cover for Category Mistake 3, and also another bit of artwork for a special Skipper Section that we're hoping to have up soon! Rike did another cover for The Interrogation, and also two wonderful skipper collages which can be found here. There's also a new K/Sk rec by Peach.

September 11, 2002


Finally, an update!! Redemption: Revelations received a facelift, with a new cover by Lily, and new background and linkware graphics by Sam Silverhawk so go check it out! There's a new cover for Category Mistake 2 by Sandra. The Interrogation series also got a bit of a touch up. We've added handy little feedback forms at the bottom of each story so it only takes a second to drop us a line. There's also a new Once A Thief fic rec up called The Face of God by LeFey. It's yummy, so make sure to set aside some time to read!

August 15, 2002

Well, let's see what's new around here. There's a new story up (a birthday prezzie from Eve to Rachelle) called After the Rain Has Fallen, complete with new artwork by Touchstone. She also made a beautiful illustration of the prayer that Serena speaks in the bathroom of the Omni Hotel, which you can see here. And if anyone is interested in inside info about Eve and Rachelle and the development of Redemption, you can check it out here

July 25, 2002

Hey everyone! The third part to Category Mistake is up, there's a new Highlander link, and the artistic appreciation page is up for those people who have helped us out, so make sure to take a look at all the lovely artwork. Also, don't forget to vote in our silly little poll. It's fun, and we're not making a new one until at least 25 people vote! *weg*

July 14, 2002

The sequel to Category Mistake (otherwise known as Category Mistake 2, because the author is too lazy to come up with a better title) can be found here. We have a new link to The Glitter Jungle! Lizz has the best banners. Click on the one below to go to her site.

And as usual, there are some new and interesting things up on Eve's page.

July 4, 2002

Happy 4th of July to all you Americans, and a belated Happy Canada Day to all the Canucks out there!

Redemption: Revelations is done! Yes, the first installment of the adventures of Serena and Alex is wrapped up, and we're busy working on the next part, so stay tuned. The only other thing to let you know is that there's something new on Eve's page.

June 22, 2002

Not too much to report today. Redemption: Revelations has been updated, we have a new link to the work of Khaleesian and Claire Dobbin.

June 15, 2002

Hey folks! This is what's been going on! Redemption: Revelations has been updated! The Call, which is the sequel to the revised Interrogation has been archived. There are a couple new links and fanfic recs as well. Don't forget to check out our poll, and let us know why you like Krycek! For anyone who's interested in Eve's non-x-files fiction, you can find it here.

May 28, 2002

Construction is well underway at eXiled, so bear with us as we build up the site and get all the broken links together!

We'd like to give a big shout out to Sandra, Soph, Dejah, Touchstone, and Linzee for all their help. Too see all of their awesome work, click here.

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