These few photos and videos represent the coolest tricks of the year for SnowForum. What makes a trick cool, you ask? It's more than just being able to attempt the most astounding, incredible spins and inverted arials. You have to ride and live with style. Certainly no one does it better than these guys.

1) Blaize Mason - Porn Star

If you read the interview of Blaize Mason you know that ihs favorite trick is the porn star air. Well, here it is, vote for him if you feel the need but I suggest that you keep reading.

2) Cameron Waugh Porn Star

Blaize wasn't the only porn star expert that SnowForum caught on film. Little Cameron (Justin's little brother) happened to be pulling similar porn star's all day. Look at the style and ask yourself, how can I vote for Blaize when Cameron has the clear porn star advantage.

Dean Video goes here

3) Dean Van Hollebeke - Trick Unknown

I can't really describe this video using words. You really just have to see for yourself. What I will say is that you will either love it or you will hate it (especially if you are a woman). Please exercise caution when showing this video around young children or animals.

4) Aaron Cummings - Best Grab Ever

Simply legendary. That is the best description for the grab originally termed "Aaron's first grab ever caught on film." I ask you, who deserves the award for coolest trick more than Aaron? He has style and sensibility, and, as you'll see from this grab, something more.

5) Corby taking the gap with the snowskate.

All right, maybe this isn't really a trick but it's really cool. The best part about it is that Corby made it over the gap, twelve feet riding on a little two foot snowskate. Besides, look at the sheer determination, Corby was destined to make it across that gap.

Pick the coolest one of them all!
Blaize's porn star air
Little Cameron's porn star
Dean with his boxers on
Aaron's legendary grab
Corby with the snowskate

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