Falling is more than just a painful experience for snowboarders, it is an art. Watch while some of the best snowboarders for SnowForum perfect the art of falling.
1) Justin Waugh - 1/2 of a Backflip
I have to hand it to Justin. He seems to have the art of falling down better than anyone I know. Just look at this photo. Perfect form, impressive difficulty. If Justin had been any more successful he would not be perfectly perpendicular to the slope, any less successful and he would merely have hit himself on the head, possibly giving him a concussion. Instead, he now has the possibility of getting spinal injuries, which are far more dangerous. Kudos to you, Justin.
2) Mitchell Cosler - Almost a 360
Before I start, I would like to say that this is not, I repeat not, the instance where Mitchell ruptured his spleen attempting a 360 degree spin. This is merely Mitchell's dramatization of the motion that it would have taken to rupture a spleen while attempting a 360. A two word description of this footage would be, very realistic. Seriously, though, this video shows you what Mitchell was attempting when he ruptured his spleen later that night.
3) Justin Waugh - I - Beam Grind
Ouch! This railslide shows you the kind of painful experience it takes to be as good at rails as Justin. It also gives you an idea of why he said what he did during his interview with SnowForum. Any fall like this deserves an award.
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