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SnowForum showcases some of the best, worst, and most interesting snowboarders in northern Michigan. It is a project dedicated to average rider, not some expert snowboarder that has become a household name, perhaps even losing the love for his art that he had at first. Instead, SnowForum focuses on the "average" rider, someone who simply snowboards because he or she loves it. Along the way, we poke fun at some people and show you, the viewer, some interesting and even hilarious still photos or video footage. Enjoy the site, and we'll see you on the slopes.



By the way, while I'm here I would like to thank some people. I am very grateful for all of the assistance that I recieved in building this site, especially to my mother who lent me the use of her digital camera and even spent some time learning how to take action photography so that she could take decent photos. I would also like to thank Caleb Walsh for his assistance with digital video recording and editing. Without Caleb this site would be half of what it is. Also, thanks to the Mason family and Waugh family for the use of their possesions and backyard. A special thanks go to Blaize and Justin for letting me interview them.
Also, I would like to thank Travis, Corby, and Aaron Markel for coming on Friday and would like to say that I am sorry that they are not featured more on this site. All three of them are excellent riders and deserve coverage on SnowForum, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. Finally, thanks to Dean for coming and being him and to everyone else that came on the Friday in question. Hope that you all had a good time.

~Joel (SnowForum webmaster and content editor)