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Updated on October 22nd, 1999

I put up the new Raging Teens Tour Dates...go see them!!

Updated on October 17th, 1999

I added a new show review of the Crank-Tones in NYC.

Added a link to Me and Jeremy's website, a cool punk rockin'/emo band from upstate NY!

I'm planning on adding a "Lyrics" page, pretty soon, too...keep checkin' back!

Update Archive....Go see what used to be new!!

Go home!

Updated on August 31st, 1999

I've finally gotten around to updating, and here's what's new:

A review of the Hi Fi & the Roadburners show on the Show Reviews page.

Also a review of Mike Ness when he came to Providence with Deke Dickerson.

Lyrics to 2 of the new Crowns songs here.

I put up a page for the Raging Teens Tour Dates...go see 'em!

And I updated my show calendar finally, and changed it around a bit...


Updated on June 17th, 1999

I added a bunch of new stuff on my Me page.

I have a bunch of new band pics to scan in, as well as 24 rolls of film to get developed. From what I've deduced, it's gonna cost me about $150 to get it all done because I need doubles of most of them. So, when I come up with that kind of money, they will be developed. If y'all want to see them soon - start the contrubutions coming!!

Updated on May 25, 1999

Finally got my Clowns for Progress pix up on the Band Pix site!!

Updated on May 22, 1999

I put up a link to the "Crownschat" chat room on Talkcity...anyone notice how sickeningly slow the Crowns board has gotten lately?!? Uggggg...I hope they're having fun in Detroit tonight, and hope they had a good show last night in Pittsburgh!

Updated on May 20, 1999

I added some more Band Pix like the Racketeers, Kim Lenz, the Bourbonaires and the Raging Teens.

Updated on May 16, 1999

I added some pix of the Crowns @ Bill's Bar. Wanna see? Click right here!

Updated on May 13, 1999

I changed around my Band Pix page. No, I didn't add more (yet!), but I changed the way it looks because it was taking too long to load the way I had it before. I think you'll like it better this way.

I added some more pix to my Pics page. My tattoos, my friends and me and a certain drummer...{g}

Updated on May 10, 1999

Added a review of the Crowns shows this weekend on my Reviews page.

I put some more pics up on my Pics page.

FINALLY updated my Upcoming Shows page. Yeah!

Put a new graphic on my main page for Lisa, even though she can't see it!!

Updated on May 3, 1999

I started my Show Reviews page, there's only 1 on there so far, but I'm gonna add some of my own when I get a chance.

Ok so there were getting to be kind of a lot of banners on my main page at the bottom, and they're just gonna get more and more. So I moved them to my all Banners page.

I saw the Crowns twice over the weekend...they rawked as always!! I drove to NYC and it was great cuz I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a while.

Updated on April 29, 1999

Ok so it's like 5 am and I'm still sitting here, it's almost completely light outside. But I grind on. I just put up a bunch of banners for most of the bands I have links to on my Me page. Go check them out, and appreciate them damnit, this took me forever!! And for fuck's sake, *please* sign my guestbook!! Ok I'm going to BED. G'nite!!

Added a bunch of banners to my main page. I like banners =).

Put up a Crowns Poll asking some random questions.

Got rid of my chat room, I've used up almost all the space on my page an no one was really using it so I 86'd it.

I'm planning on putting up a show reviews page. If there's a show you've seen recently (or not recently, doesn't really matter to me!) and you'd like to review it, email it to me with the subject line "show review" and I'll put it up. Thanks in advance for any contributions!!

Updated on April 28, 1999

I put up my pix from Thursday night's Payback. Go check 'em out!!

I added a bunch of stuff. I changed my entire main page, for starters.

I added a Band Pictures page, of tons of different bands I've seen in the past. It'll be added to often.

I added some more Links, including a new Mighty Mighy Links section.

I added some more stuff to my ME page, including a horrible hungover picture of me.

Alli from Monolyth put some of my Crowns pix up on their site (again), yaaaay!!

I got a new tattoo Monday, an ahnk on my right upper arm. Jen can work wonders, I tell ya.

Updated on April 15, 1999

So it's all set!! Take the Crowns Trivia Challenge and find out what you know!!

Did you all do your taxes? I just got part of my state back in the mail today - my freaking accountant screwed up!! But I figured it out myself (I really did!!) and sent it back. Turns out I'm getting more money back than I thought! Yay!!

One other thing on my mind...I have a ticket to go see Hi Fi and the Roadburners in Chi-town on April 23rd. And I even have a place to stay (Rob, I LOVE YOU!!!) if I end up going. Only thing is, the 'rents will freak if I ask them. What do I do???

Updated on April 12, 1999

Ok so the site hasn't really been updated, I tricked you. Haha!! But keep reading anyway for what's in store. When I "re-vamp" my page, one of the new parts will be an Amazing Crowns trivia page. As of right now, I don't have any prizes for anyone, I'm sorry. But I have a few things in mind that I know no one but me has and are Crowns-related. So I'm thinking about it.

I went through all my band pix today. Right now, I have 210 pix of 12 different bands that I'd like to put on my site. There will be a new page completely dedicated to bands. Also I have a ton of other pix I'm gonna put up, random stuff of me, my friends...whatever!!

I'm going to Viva Las Vegas next year. Greasers. Rockabilly music. Alcohol. 'Nuff said. By the way, I have recently learned that the 4 official food groups of greasers are Grease, Alcohol, Meat and Sugar. I tend to stray away from the meat...that is, meat that comes from animals. Manly meat is ok by me!! =)

That's all for now. Keep checking back here for new schtuff!!

Updated on March 17, 1999

Changed my URL to make it easier. It is now Let it be known that it doesn't make it any easier for me, just for you guys!

I bought a pretty decent camera yesterday, so my next feat will be to buy a scanner to put up all the great pictures I take with it. I'm going to see the Mighty Blue Kings tomorrow night, so I'm gonna try it out!

Updated on March 3, 1999

Added a show or two to my upcoming shows page

I went to see Reel Big Fish tonight, they kicked ass. I saw Joe Sirois there too :) And I saw ERIC on Thayer St. today. Yum.

Updated on February 23, 1999

Wrote a review of the Providence Payback!

Added a new show to my upcoming shows page

Updated on February 17, 1999

Added a new show to my upcoming shows page

Added another "friend" to my friends page

Added a pic of my nephew to my pics page

Updated on February 16, 1999

I am starting a mailing list for the Agents. If anyone would like to join, click on the ONELIST image on my front page. Thanks!!

Updated on February 15, 1999

Added more pix to my Crowns pix page finally!!

Added a new graphic to my Crowns front page too.

Updated on February 13, 1999

Added a new show to my upcoming shows page

And I went to see SHJ, The Pilfers, KITH and Big D tonight at a place in Cambridge, awesome show. I missed Big D's set but I talked to Chris afterwards so it's all good!

I have to do my taxes over the weekend. Fun. Any good accountants out there? Hee hee.

Updated on February 11, 1999

Added some new shows to my upcoming shows page

Added a few more of my friends

Updated on February 6, 1999

Added a few band links: The Agents, Dem Brooklyn Bums

Added an upcoming shows page

Added a few more links

Updated on February 1, 1999

-Added more to my "me" page

-Added a toy to my main page "Today's Weather in Hell"

-Added a few more links

-And I just got fininshed watching "Swingers" for the 1,258,545,364,592,012th time.