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Changing times (1-5)

A long Zelphie set after the second Sorceress war in the game... things never run as smoothly as they seem

Chapter 1

Selphie bounced up the gangplank of the Ragnorak and into its cargo hold. Well it used to be its cargo hold, it had long since been converted into a passenger deck to transport SeeDs and SeeD candidates on missions. This mission had been a final SeeD exam for the current students, it was just a hunt for a band of brigands hiding in one of the forests around Obel Lake, nothing near as intense as her final had been. For that she was thankful, her own experience was relived in some of her worse nightmares. She could now tell which of the candidates was going to pass before Xu had even told her. She had been a backup SeeD on these missions for so long now Xu often came to her for her opinion on these matters even though Selphie had decided not to become an instructor.
The students should be back soon, the backup SeeDs were lounging around in the conference room, in a state that didn’t befit a SeeD on duty. But of course, SeeDs got so little time to chill these days it was nice for them to relax. She took the lift up and wandered into the conference room. ‘Look professional guys and head down to get the students strapped in. Xu should have them back in a bit.’ Everyone knew Selphie’s reputation, she was ‘one of those people who went with Squall’, it didn’t bother her but it got her more respect from her subordinates than her otherwise happy go lucky attitude would have earned her. They slowly filed from the room and she shook her head.

‘What’s the matter Selphie?’ Zell asked with a grin. She turned to him in surprise.

‘Have you finished already? How many students passed?’ She asked. He suppressed a grin.

‘Four and that’s not answering my question.’ Selphie shook her head with a small smile playing on her lips.

‘Don’t, it makes me feel old, is it me or are SeeDs getting younger on every trip out?’ Zell sniggered and shrugged.

‘Come on Selphie, you are only Twenty-seven. You have years of active service yet.’ He looked at her questioningly. ‘Or is that the problem?’

‘Don’t start getting all psychological on me Zell. It’s unnatural.’ She walked past him as he threw an insulted hey at her receding back.

She walked into the cockpit of the Ragnorak and smelt the slight musky scent that had always made her feel at home here. She slid into the pilots seat and heard the leather creak under her. She ran her hands over the smooth controls and remembered that first moment of discovery when she learnt that she could actually fly this machine. She loved the Ragnorak and Squall had practically given it to her after the Ultimecia situation, she’d given the order for it to be resprayed it’s original crimson red and now it looked like a proper ruby dragon. The comm unit buzzed to life beside her and Xu informed her that all the students were aboard and she could now head back to Balamb garden. She lovingly started the Ragnorak and revelled in the deep-throated thrum of the engines for a moment before she began the vertical takeoff that had so astounded her the first time she had flown. Then she sent it rocketing forwards and whooped with delight as the rough arms of G-force pressed her back in her seat.

‘Whoa Selphie, are you trying to frighten those poor kids to death?’ Zell asked her as he raced into the cockpit and took the co-pilots chair. She grinned apologetically; she was doing top speed right now. ‘You do know some of them kids are travel sick.’ Selphie turned to his indignant glare and laughed.

‘Relax Zell. How long have I been flying this machine?’

‘Too long obviously.’ He looked outside the window. ‘Balamb should be coming up soon.’ Selphie gave him a long, flat stare. He saw it and grinned ruefully. ‘Yeah, I know, how long have you been flying this machine?’ Selphie was looking out for the air pad that had been built especially for the Ragnorak, she had to do a sharp u-turn as she flew past it. ‘Flying an inexact science is it Seffie?’ Selphie aimed a sharp kick at his leg as she engaged landing procedures.

‘Think yourself lucky next time I’ll clock you one with my shinobu.’ Zell laughed at her hollow threat.

‘Yeah, yeah, promises, promises.’ She sighed and got up from her seat to stretch, Zell gave her a concerned look.

‘But seriously Selphie are you okay? Work not getting you down?’ At that she laughed out loud.

‘No my work isn’t the problem.’ She shook her head. ‘Zell please forget I said anything. It’s not your problem. I’m not sure it will be mine for much longer.’ She sighed and headed down to the landing pad.

Rinoa was waiting on the air pad for them holding her new baby in one arm. Brook gurgled happily and Selphie squealed in delight as she ran over to the baby and grabbed her out of Rinoa’s arms. Selphie loved Squall’s kids, Brook and his three year old girl, Ember, were the highlight of her day and the best bit was that their mum or dad took them away from her when they started crying.

‘Good afternoon to you too Selphie.’ Rinoa said with a smile, Selphie threw a grin at her over her shoulder. ‘You two should really move ahead to Garden, Squall is going to announce the kids that passed the exam.’ Selphie looked over her shoulder at Zell.

‘I’m coming, I’m coming. You bringing the kids?’ Zell asked Rinoa and she shook her head.

‘You mother is going to look after them tonight so I can attend the ball this year.’ She grinned at them. ‘I’m just going to give her Brook as well if I can pry her out of Selphie’s hands.’ The three grinned and Selphie handed back the child. The pair saw Rinoa march off down the road towards Balamb and then trotted off across the grassy plains.

Chapter 2
Balamb Garden was so beautiful in the setting sun, its white and gold rings shone red in the fading light and it’s gorgeous white ovoid shape showed its beauty as the sunlight arched around it. It had been grounded for the past eight years, when they had finally figured out how to do it. It had been more complicated than the time they had, had to learn how to fly it. Selphie slowed down as she reached it, reluctant to go inside. Zell saw it, he didn’t understand it, but he was more observant than people (meaning Squall) gave him credit for. He stopped her before she walked in the gates.

‘You know Selphie, I’m your friend, I’m going to be here for you regardless of the problem.’ He looked at her with a concerned face. ‘You can talk to me.’ Selphie bit her lip and she reached up to touch him on the cheek where his tattoo was. She nodded and walked through the gate leaving Zell more confused than ever.

In the lobby Xu and Quistis were standing looking around at the new applicants, trying to tell them to move up to the second floor corridor. Selphie put both fingers in her mouth and whistled. Every hopeful turned to her and, using her drama training, she projected her voice to tell them to assemble upstairs. Throwing a quick nod at Quistis she moved to her quarters.

Selphie gave a long drawn out sigh and collapsed on the double bed, it was right now when she wished she was back at Trabia, she waited for him. She didn’t wait long.

‘Welcome home, babes.’ He said in his low voice and threw her a lopsided grin. Irvine stood there in his cowboy gear; she didn’t know how many times she had threatened to throw out that damned coat. He liked it though, and she was loath to do anything that would make him madder at her.

‘Hi Irvine. Had a good day?’ She asked, he slid himself onto her bed and smiled.

‘It’s getting better now you’re back.’ He kissed her gently and she took it stoically. ‘What’s the matter?’ He looked at her. ‘Oh, you’re not still pissed off at me are you?’ Selphie frowned at him and moved off the bed across to her wardrobe, since she wasn’t a new SeeD she was allowed to wear what she liked. She pulled out her new green dress and faced the mirror, noticing how drained she looked. ‘Well?’ She turned to Irvine.

‘Well what?’

‘Don’t be like that. Selphie you know I love you, are you going to give me an answer?’ She turned on him.

‘I already gave you an answer, were you deaf? Didn’t you hear it?’ She went into her bathroom and began to get dressed.

‘I’m not accepting that answer Seffie, I love you and you love me.’

‘I’m beginning to doubt that.’ She muttered to her reflection. ‘I said no and I meant it Irvine.’ She zipped up the dress and stalked out into her bedroom. ‘If you think you are going to badger me into something as big as marrying you, you are mistaken.’ She took a hairbrush to her hair and smoothed it out into its short shiny tresses. ‘Are you going to get dressed for the ball sometime soon?’ She turned to him and watched the slightly pained expression on his face. ‘I’m going to get Quisty and Zell, I’ll see you in Squall’s office in an hour.

Quistis had only just gotten out of the shower when Selphie stalked into her room. She wrapped the towel around her tightly and looked through the door waiting for Irvine to follow. She looked at Selphie in puzzlement when he didn’t. Selphie ignored the question on her face and looked her up and down.

‘Nice dress, think you might want to fasten it more securely though.’ She said deadpan, she was getting better at that mock seriousness thing lately. Mind you she was having trouble deciding whether it was mock or not lately too. Quistis grinned and went across to her wardrobe to show Selphie her new dress. Rinoa had offered to take them both out for a girlie shopping trip but Selphie hadn’t been in the mood, she had spent all day in the training room and after a few hours even the monsters had begun to avoid her. Quistis smoothed the elegant black dress over her hips and struck a pose, Selphie giggled and flopped back on her bed.

‘Don’t you’ll wrinkle your dress.’ Quistis told her. She looked down at the very short green dress, there was no room for it to wrinkle it was that tight, she felt as though she was shrink-wrapped. Quistis giggled when she told her, it was good to see Quisty enjoying herself, she was always so serious, and sometimes Selphie forgot that they were friends as well as colleagues. Zell knocked on the door in the middle of an argument about shoes, Selphie kept on stating that her boots were fine and Quistis kept on trying to force her into dainty little shoes that would cripple her. Quistis won, Selphie knew she invariably would, she was merely arguing to keep up the pretence that she actually cared.

‘Looking gorgeous as ever ladies.’ He made a move to hug Quistis but she sidestepped him.

‘You can look but don’t touch.’ She said with a smile. Zell shrugged good-naturedly, he was wearing his SeeD uniform and a grin.

‘Yeah well there ain’t enough time for what I wanna do.’ He leered at them both.

‘Oh please Zell I feel ill enough already.’ Quistis retorted. ‘And we should be going to see Squall anyway.’

Chapter 3

Squall sat on his chair frowning at Rinoa, she was looking at herself in one of the mirrors of his office, they had redecorated slightly since Cid’s occupation, on Rinoa’s orders of course. He sometimes wondered which of them actually ran Garden. She turned and saw the frown on his face, she turned back to the mirror worriedly, and then after satisfying herself nothing was wrong with her appearance turned back to him.

‘What’s the problem?’ She asked him, he shook his head. ‘No come on tell me.’ He shrugged.

‘Zell’s worried about Selphie.’ Was all he had to say on the matter, he knew how Selphie would react if he tried to figure out what was wrong, he had done so once before and she had laughed at him. So he had told Zell to look after her.

‘Any reason why?’ Squall shrugged.

‘Don’t know, haven’t seen Selphie much these past couple of weeks.’ Rinoa nodded and smiled.

‘She’ll be fine. You know Selphie, she bounces back.’ Squall smiled and Rinoa came across and sat on his lap. ‘You can’t worry about everyone you know.’

‘It’s not like I have a choice though, I’m more their dad than Ember and Brook’s.’ Rinoa laughed delightedly.

‘You realize how much you’ve changed don’t you?’ She asked him, he shook his head ruefully.

‘Yeah but it was a damn sight easier to only have to worry about myself.’ He glanced at her. ‘Not an easy change but a worthwhile one.’ She giggled and kissed him.

It was at that point the trio walked in and Squall immediately tried to make Rinoa stand up, so she held herself in place even firmer. She watched the bright red move up his face and she threw back her head and laughed. She stood and waved at the trio. ‘Whoa Selphie nice dress.’ She said with a grin.

Selphie looked up in a sort of daze, then she shrugged. ‘Whatever.’ She said and flopped into a chair, Zell locked eyes with Squall and gave him a ‘y’see’ sort of expression. Irvine trundled in then and immediately took the chair next to Selphie, she didn’t even acknowledge him. Squall frowned slightly at them and then cleared his throat.

‘I asked you here because I have missions for you. I figure that we really need to bring the other two gardens closer to the standards that this garden sets, the students that are sent here for their final exam are falling badly short. Out of seven that went out on this last exam only two passed.’ Selphie frowned.

‘But four people passed the exam this term.’ She said and Squall nodded.

‘Yes, two were Balamb Gardens’ new SeeDs. But then again we only sent out three people.’ Selphie nodded. ‘Regardless, we need people to alter the standards they set and the attitude that goes with them. Selphie, Irvine, you two are from the two other gardens, I think that you would be the best people to oversee this reconstruction of the system.’ Selphie’s eyes went wide and she shook her head.

‘Squall… I hate to remind you of this but…’ Squall interrupted Irvine with a shake of his head.

‘No I remember that you aren’t a SeeD. You officially cannot make these changes, even with my authority, but Quistis can. That’s why I am sending you two together. Selphie you can make these changes but Zell’s going with you because it’s good to have a sounding board for any ideas you might have, and let’s face it what else is Zell good for?’ The pair locked eyes and Zell gave him a withering stare.

‘I’m going back to Trabia?’ Selphie asked him quietly. He nodded. She broke into a broad grin and started bouncing around singing, ‘I’m going to Trabia, I’m going to Trabia.’ Over and over again.

‘Don’t sound too happy why not.’ Irvine snapped and Selphie stopped mid-chant. She looked at him with dark eyes and then turned to Squall and saluted.

‘Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Commander, I will do this task you set me to the best of my ability.’ Her tone was strictly emotionless and she turned to Irvine. ‘Better?’ She asked, turned on her heal and walked out. Irvine eyes had gone wide in shock, without a word to the others he ran out of the door after her. The silence they left behind them was palpable. Zell was the first to speak.

‘Anybody else just figured out what’s wrong with Selphie?’ He asked quietly. Three sets of eyes turned to him and Squall coughed.

‘Zell, I kind of split them up on purpose.’ Was all he was willing to say on the matter. It wasn’t something he felt comfortable talking about and he didn’t really think it was any of his business. The others, of course, felt differently. But he knew a way to keep them out of Selphie’s affairs. ‘Anyway we should get on to the ball, people will talk if we aren’t there.’

Selphie had no idea where to go where he wouldn’t find her, she already regretted her outburst, and she would probably have to explain it all to someone soon, probably Zell or Rinoa. She really wasn’t in the mood for explanations or confrontations and it then hit her, she would go to the ball, nobody in their right minds would argue with her in front of so many people.

She moved the around to the garden doors of the great hall and looked in with a smile, this was the kind of party she had always wanted to throw, except with less posturing and showing off. She moved through the great crystal doors into the beautiful domed hall. Gold traced lines across the hall and up the glass above, white streamers were hung around the edge of the glass in low swinging loops, the walls were covered in billowing white muslin that were stamped with golden runes and single flowers were hung in glass test tubes at regular intervals around the hall. Selphie looked at this sight and breathed deeply as it soothed her, her hands stopped trembling as she stepped onto the white and grey marble, her borrowed heels clicking against it sharply. The new SeeDs were talking in an excited little huddle, she remembered her own ball, she had scared Zell away by asking him to join the Garden Festival Committee and she had watched Squall dance with Rinoa for the first time. She didn’t have to wait long for the rest to come through the main doors, only Quistis noticed she was there at first but she quickly pointed the fact out to Rinoa and Zell, Squall was busy congratulating the new intake.

Rinoa started over to her but Selphie quickly snagged a passing Nida and got him to dance, the music was already playing and it was the best defence she could muster in such a short time. She got herself passed from SeeD to SeeD in a desperate attempt to play keep-away with the others, she knew either Zell or Squall would eventually snag her for a dance and then the explanations would start, she was just lucky it was Squall that got to her first she just looked in his eyes and knew that he already felt awkward.

‘Feeling okay?’ He asked her and she nodded politely. ‘Care to tell me what’s on your mind?’ He tried again.

‘No.’ He gave her a sharp look.

‘You know as your Commander I can order you to tell me what’s wrong.’ He said looking up at the ceiling.

‘You wouldn’t be asking me as a commander you’d be asking as a friend and I’m not obliged to tell you anything as a friend.’ She gave him a bright fake smile and he frowned.

‘I can if it affects your work.’

‘It won’t, my work means more to me than anything.’ She stated calmly. He raised his eyebrow at her.

‘More than even Irvine.’ She gave him that bright fake smile again and leaned close to him.

‘More than anything.’ She whispered harshly and it was at that moment the song finished. She stepped back and curtseyed to him. Then she left.

‘Man, you didn’t handle that well at all.’ Squall turned at Zell’s voice. ‘She knows you well enough to know how to play you now. Be afraid.’ He looked at Selphie’s retreating back. ‘Be petrified, man.’ They walked back to the refreshments table and found Rinoa waiting for them. When the questioning look she sent Squall was answered by a negative flick of the eyebrow she shrugged and turned to the punch. Zell smiled, wishing he could find someone to share that kind of connection with. Then he saw the danger over by the main doors, an extremely angry and dirty, ‘Irvine alert!’ He said sharply and twisted his head to find Selphie, they spotted her at the same time, but Irvine was closer and reached her before Zell could even think enough to move. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her round to face him.


Irvine pulled Selphie round to face him in anger, her eyes when she looked up at him were a mixture of guilt and fear. They stood for a moment, locked into a frozen tableau while one of them tried to think of something to say. The longer he stood staring at her the more his anger melted away. He had to say something quickly, his anger was the only thing that was keeping him going right now.

‘You humiliated me.’ He said in a low voice, Selphie stared into his wide brown eyes and swallowed.

‘You humiliated yourself.’ She said and she seemed to regain a little of her poise. She yanked her arm away from him. ‘You don’t own me Irvine. You can’t control what I get happy or excited about, I want to go back to Trabia.’ She broke eye contact.

‘I don’t understand why we have to be apart for you to do that.’ She shook her head.

‘Trabia is mine. Galbadia is yours. You don’t belong there, I don’t want you there.’ She looked up and shrugged quietly. ‘I love what I do, Irvine. I adore being a SeeD.’ Irvine frowned at her.

‘Is that why you won’t marry me? Because of your job?’ She frowned.

‘It’s part of it.’ She admitted. ‘I love it too much to give it up to become a wife and mother. I’d rather slip into a coma.’ At that he took hold of her shoulder and turned her towards their friends. She nearly laughed, the shock on their faces when they turned around was highly comical, they quickly looked away and tried to make it seem that they weren’t staring. Irvine pointed to Squall and Rinoa.

‘Look at them, they are so happy now they are married. Rinoa isn’t a SeeD. Yet Squall gets to still be a SeeD, you don’t have to give up anything.’ At those words Selphie did laugh. She turned away from her friends.

‘Oh please. Say we did get married, and that we had kids. Would you let me go on a mission whilst I was pregnant? Who would have to look after them, it wouldn’t be you would it? I’d have to give up everything. You’re too old fashioned for me to do otherwise.’ She glanced over at Squall and sighed. ‘Besides Squall and Rinoa were happy before they got married, it just cemented what they already had. Right now Irvine, I’m not happy. I love you, but I’m not sure I like you very much right now. I can’t have one without the other. I think it’s best we do our assignment now and see where we stand later on, we have been given something really important and I’m not going to mess it up.’ Irvine snorted, he heard the unspoken because of you.

‘Important? Give me a break!’

‘You don’t understand…’ He interrupted her with a snort of laughter.

‘I don’t understand? Why? Because I’m not a SeeD? You know that excuse is getting old, find a new one, change the record.’ He stepped back and stared at her with a sneer. ‘You’re pitiful.’ Selphie winced in pain. She felt as though she had been stabbed and she drew her arms across her body in an unconscious defensive motion. Irvine looked at her for a second, she couldn’t tell what the emotion that hung on his face was, but he turned on his heel and headed towards the door, much as she had this evening. Seeing how much he had just hurt her had made him regretful for a second, just a second. But she had deserved it, hadn’t she. He began muttering under his breath in consternation. After tonight she would be back at her precious Trabia and he wouldn’t have to deal with her manipulative ways again… if he didn’t want to.


Selphie grabbed hold of a nearby column and moved behind it. The marble was cold and hard, like the look in his eyes had been. She stood with her back to the column pressing against it so hard it felt as though she was trying to push it through her back. She shivered and let go a shuddering breath, she hadn’t realised she had been holding it until that moment. She breathed in hard and deep trying to steady her nerves and her hands. Then she took a tottering step towards the garden doors, the way she had came in. Her legs were trembling and she ascribed it to the damn shoes that Quistis had insisted she wear. Her shaking legs took her slowly across the hall, when she was halfway across she felt an arm slide across her shoulders and help her towards the doors. Once outside she bolted towards the nearest flowerbed and was sick into the roses.

‘A novel way of dealing with stress.’ Zell said as he rubbed her back. She gave him a sour look as she threw up again. When she was finished he suggested they move off a bit. ‘Never be caught near the evidence.’ Was all he said so they made their way to the fountain.

‘Okay why were you the one they sent?’ She asked him as she sat down and tried to get the foul taste out of her mouth. He shrugged.

‘I’ve been assigned your personal assistant remember? I figured if you didn’t need assisting now you never would.’ He handed her a tissue and she took it dubiously. ‘It’s clean. Anyway Squall didn’t want to deal with it and the girl’s were far too eager to. So our gracious leader chose me.’ She sighed.

‘How badly did I embarrass myself in there?’ She asked with a cringe.

‘Not the right question, how badly did you embarrass each other would be better.’ She gave a small laugh.

‘You’re a great help you know.’ She said laconically, he smiled.

‘I try, and anyway at least you’re smiling. I’m not going to make you tell me everything that just happened, I’m sure I’ll hear it all from the girls in due course.’ He looked at her. ‘It was Irvine that was bothering you this morning wasn’t it?’ He asked and she nodded. ‘Well that’s good, I’d hate to think there were two things I couldn’t sort out stressing you. Now it’s only one.’ He stroked her hair gently and raised his eyebrows. ‘Come on, you should be in bed, but first you really need to brush your teeth, sick breath doesn’t suit you.’ She gave a halfhearted laugh.

‘Is Quistis with Irvine right now?’ She asked him. Zell stared at her blankly for a moment.

‘Oh…. Shit. You know I don’t think anyone even thought about him.’ He bit his lip and turned to look at the doorway, the ball was still going on. ‘You think I should…?’ Selphie shrugged and he frowned. ‘Nah, they aren’t that stupid are they? Surely they would have sent someone after him.’ Selphie raised her eyebrows at him, the look on his face made her smile. He shook his head. ‘No… yes, yes they would, what am I talking about of course they would. Come on lets get you home.’ She shook her head.

‘You know I think I can manage.’ Zell’s gave her a withering look.

‘Selphie, when have you ever known me to take a chance on anything? Except the horses? And the chocobo races? And triple triad… you know what, let’s forget I said anything.’ Selphie gave a half hearted laugh as Zell helped her up and then caught her when she toppled over on those damn shoes. With one kick she sent one shoe flying into the dirt and the other into the flower bed.

‘Now I feel better.’ She said, Zell smiled and picked them up.

‘Lead on.’ He said and they walked to Selphie’s room mocking each other.


Irvine wandered around the halls of Balamb biting his top lip as he always did when he was worried or thinking too hard. He really wanted to hurt someone right now, but picking a fight for no reason wasn't really his style... but it sure was tempting. He really wanted to talk to someone right now but of course he was mad at the person who he usually went and talked to. This wasn't right... not right at all. Selphie had been his rock for too long now for him to give her up, or for him to stay mad at her for any length of time. He wasn't used to apologizing to people, he generally didn't piss people off enough to have to. He made his desicion, he would go talk to Selphie, he would apologize, he tried not to admit it to himself but he would do anything for her.

He reached Selphie's corridor in record time, just in time to see Zell and Selphie reach her room. She was laughing, that cut him to the quick more than anything. He shook his head, it couldn't be what it looked like.

'Anyway I should be getting back to the ball, boring as it is going to be without you two there.' Selphie frowned.

'You could come in, we could watch TV for a bit, I'm sure it would be a damn sight more interesting for you then trying to explain what happened here tonight.' What happened here tonight...? Irvine swallowed hastily as Zell laughed. What exactly did happen here tonight? Was Selphie trying to play him for a fool?

'Tell me about it, sure anything good on?' Zell asked as he walked into Selphie's room. Irvine came around the corner and stared at the space where the pair had been standing moments before. His fists clenched involuntarily and he felt his heart do the same. The anger that he felt was no where near the anger he had felt when he confronted Selphie at the ball, it was sharper, more finely honed and it was all directed at Zell. Turning he marched off down the corridor, his eyes getting colder with every step.

Chapter 4
Zell stretched his arms over his head in a very cat-like manner, he had spent the night kipping on Selphie’s floor and damn uncomfortable it had been too. Whenever he had let her stop and think about her situation she had burst into floods of tears, so he had stayed with her most of the night cracking jokes. The only time he could remember her being this upset was when she heard about Trabia being hit by missiles, but back then she could see a way to make things better, a way to make things the way they had always been. Right now she couldn’t see any way to make things right between her and Irvine. So she collapsed, Selphie had always wanted everything to stay the same, if things didn’t change nothing bad could happen. Zell had eventually pieced together the story Selphie was trying to tell him and felt really sorry for Irvine. Irvine didn’t understand Selphie’s attitude when it came to things like this, he had been trying to force a change in their relationship that she wasn’t prepared for. In her mind it had always been that they would get married someday, never believing that today could be someday.

Selphie had told him while trying not to cry that she had been feeling trapped and it felt like Irvine was trying to take her away from everybody. She had only cried harder when Zell had insisted that he hadn’t been, so he had shut up and given her a hug. Sooner or later Selphie was going to have to realise that everything changes eventually, you can’t fight against it the way she had been. He shook his head, it wasn’t his place to tell her and if he didn’t stop musing on it he would never be packed in time to leave in an hour.

Zell began to jog back to his room at a leisurely pace, he didn’t really notice anyone until Irvine stepped into his path. He slowed to a stop.

‘Heya mate how’s thi…’ The punch caught him off guard and he fell to the floor. ‘What the hell?’ He cried out in surprise. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’

‘Listen to me, we aren’t mates, not any more. I always thought you were as harmless as you pretended to be.’ Zell stood up and looked Irvine in the eye.

‘Man, I can honestly say… huh? What are you talking about?’ Irvine stared at him.

‘I mean Selphie.’ Zell looked at him blankly.

‘I’m sure there is supposed to be an end to that…. I mean, come on, is it time for your medication or mine?’ He asked, Irvine stepped forward threateningly. ‘Did I mention the severe kick in the groin you will be receiving if you touch me again?’ Irvine looked at him, Zell was a much better fist fighter than he was, not surprising really. He backed off a little. ‘Right, better, what was that about Selphie?’

‘I saw you and Selphie last night.’ Zell shrugged and gave him an ‘and?’ kind of look. ‘I saw you together.’ Zell shrugged again, then daylight dawned.

‘I’m not after Selphie, Irvine. Seriously.’ Irvine stared at him.

‘How can you look me in the eyes and lie like that.’ Zell looked around, a small crowd had started to gather.

‘I’m not lieing, just because Selphie is with you, you believe that everyone is trying to get into her knickers. Granted a few people are. I don’t have time to deal with this today okay Irvine.’ He tried to go around Irvine put his hand on his chest.

‘You aren’t leaving.’

‘Look I know you’ve put aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public but please leave me out of it.’ He took hold of Irvine’s wrist and held it away from him. Then he left him standing there. He looked pointedly at the little crowd and they hurried to disperse, leaving Irvine with a bemused look on his face.

‘You aren’t serious? Poor Irvine.’ Rinoa said sadly.

‘We don’t know if it’s the truth yet, I only heard it from some students. And they were the class gossips.’ Rinoa looked at Quistis thoughtfully.

‘But it would certainly explain the way Selphie has been acting.’ She countered. Quistis didn’t quite know what to say, Selphie would have told her, surely she would have. Rinoa was all too ready to believe that Selphie had been stringing people along, which confused her, didn’t Rinoa know Selphie at all?

‘She isn’t the type Rinoa, and all I heard that there was a fight between the lads and Selphie’s name was mentioned. That doesn’t prove anything and I don’t think she’s all that attracted to Zell anyway.’ Rinoa shrugged and gave her a knowing look. ‘I’m going to talk to Squall.’ She said finally.

‘Seriously though, what will Squall do?’ Rinoa said and it made Quistis pause, she was right, what would he do? ‘He’s never been one for getting overly involved in things that aren’t his business, even more so now he is officially running this place. All he’ll say is that it’s Selphie’s business and as long as she isn’t forcing people into anything he can’t do anything about it.’ She grinned. ‘Go ahead, try. Those will be his exact words. Give or take.’ Quistis nodded, Rinoa knew Squall, and Quistis was likely to believe her opinion.

‘You think it’s true don’t you?’

‘Not too sure actually. In the past week the only one who’s been making Selphie smile has been Zell, but that doesn’t mean anything, he’s the only one who has been trying.’ She shrugged.

‘Are we that bad a group of friends?’

‘Nope, Selphie and Zell are very similar though, it’s why they get on so well. And they are the groups comedians, who would you go to if you were feeling down?’ She smiled. ‘For me it’s Zell.’ Then she thought about it. ‘Not that Squall doesn’t have his techniques too.’ She winked at Quistis.

‘Oh, please Rinoa, I really don’t want to know.’ She smiled. ‘But I do understand what you mean, I go to Selphie. It’s really quite depressing when you realise that, if your friends are down the first person they turn to is not you.’ Rinoa shrugged.

‘Sort of used to it by now.’

Squall turned and looked at Zell with wide eyes. ‘He hit you?’ Zell shrugged and nodded. Squall frowned. ‘And he thinks that you are… you know… with Selphie.’

‘I got the distinct impression yes.’

‘You set him straight?’ Zell shrugged and kind of made a so-so sort of gesture with his hand. ‘Explain.’

‘I told him the truth but… you know… macho law forbade him from admitting he was wrong.’

‘So you just let him believe what the hell he wants?’ Zell gave him a withering look.

‘I think the bruise on my eye attests to the fact that I didn’t just let him, he jumped to the wrong conclusion all by himself.’ Squall nodded and looked at his eye again. ‘Is it noticeable?’

‘Only from about three miles away.’ Zell gave him a dark look and Squall grinned. ‘Okay so I guess, as ever, I have to sort this out, I’ll be glad when you lot leave you know.’

‘Erm that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about, I think I’ll pass on the Ragnorak, with the way Irvine’s feeling towards me right now, there are too many dangers there, ya know windows, doors etcetra.’ Squall smiled and looked down at the table.

‘It’s okay. The Ragnorak or another airship is the only way to reach Trabia until the new train route is laid in and we don’t have an overabundance of airships right now. So you and Selphie can take it, I’ll send Quistis and Irvine by train. I’ll just inform Galbadia Garden to expect them a little late that’s all.’ Zell laughed.

‘My hero.’ He looked at him. ‘Don’t suppose I could ask you a favour and talk to Irvine for me?’ Squall frowned.

‘I’ll see what I can do.’ He said knowing that anything he did do would probably make the situation ten times worse.

Selphie picked up her bag, it was time for her and Zell to be flying back to Trabia. She was really happy at the thought of going back home but quite depressed that she would be leaving all the people she really loved, well she had the Ragnorak, it was hers now, and as long as she could fly her friends would never be too far away. She looked at the time and, hauling her bag over her shoulder, she left for the airfield.

As she wandered down the corridors of Balamb she got the distinct feeling that everyone she passed was staring at her. The feeling got greater as several of Irvine’s closest friends glared at her as she walked. It wasn’t until Cassia McKee, one of his closest confidants passed her and said. ‘Nice dress, are you hoping to slim into it?’ That she got the distinct impression that she was being victimised in some way. The comments got much worse as she went along, she was near tears as Quistis joined up with her.

‘Selphie, are you okay?’ The look in Quistis’ eyes was worried. Selphie just swallowed hard and shook her head.

‘Have I done something wrong that I don’t know about?’ She whispered.

‘Why?’ Quistis’ face made her check herself.

‘You know something don’t you?’ Quistis nodded. ‘What?’ Quistis sighed and looked into her friends face.

‘Okay Selphie, there’s something you should know…’

Chapter 5
Trabia was soft and silent in the darkness, the snow fell in gentle dunes across the landscape. The headmaster smiled gently at the sight and remembered the days when she was just a student, training here to be a SeeD. Well those days were gone now, she had been a SeeD for five years and was subsequently promoted to head Trabia Garden. Delta Wistanley grinned as she walked across freshly fallen snow, it would become a thick drift outside her door in the morning, but no matter how cold or wet it became she never got tired of it. Delta had been born in Deling city, it had never snowed there, she remembered when she had first been brought to Trabia at the age of ten and she had romped in the snow all that first day. Most of the warm weather students thought she was some kind of freak, preferring the indoors where it was hot. She had dismissed it, worked hard and become a SeeD, outshining all her cohorts in her studies and chosen weapon. She stretched her fingers into her fighting gloves and smiled, never being one for separating herself from the action she had used her fists the first day and never got tired of it.

If only more people could see Trabia at night, then they may begin to understand her. By day the Garden was full of SeeDs and students and lecturers, but by night it showed it’s true character. She walked towards the garden quickly, she had been visiting friends in new Trabia town, a small community that had sprung up around five years ago when the garden had shown its strength by finally finishing building work on the new Trabia. The missiles had taken away it’s silver and green outer shell and left a grey husk, now though, Trabia was whole and the way she had always remembered it. It had been built on the designs of Balamb where she had gone for her field exam so many years ago, apart from the colour they were near identical. In all way but one.

Delta couldn’t understand why her students were failing so badly when they reached Balamb. Trabia had always had a good relationship with its cousin to the south. She shook her head as she reached the gates of the garden, she stepped through with a quick wave to the gatekeeper. Then she made for her office on the top level, actually, it was the top deck, as they had discovered it to be when gardens started making for the sky ten years ago. She opened the door and found Rathi Makeri waiting for her.

‘I don’t remember calling a meeting with you.’ She said to the tall man sitting on her desk. He grinned and slid the links of his metal chain through his hand, she couldn’t bear to see that thing normally, it was used like a whip only it was far more vicious in battle.

‘I’ve heard some rumours.’ He said with a grin. ‘I’ve heard you are letting two people from Balamb come and judge us.’ She shook her head.

‘Selphie Tilmet was originally from Trabia, anyway she and Zell Dicht are only coming here to help us make our students as good as theirs.’ She stood over him, knowing if she sat down she would be losing the power here. Rathi was the biggest thorn in her side she had ever had. He shook his head at her.

‘When are you going to realise that we are as good as them, they won’t let our students pass their final exam, they want to keep the best SeeDs for Balamb garden to hire out.’ He looked at her pityingly.

‘Get out.’ Was all she said to him. He stood up.

‘I’ll be watching them.’ Was all he said to her before striding out of the room. Delta shook her head and stared at the door he had just exited through. He might have been attractive if he wasn’t such an arse.

‘But I thought we were going in the Ragnorak. You said that was the plan. You told us so.’ Irvine said with a frown.

‘Plans change Irvine, you’ve been around me for… what nearly ten years now, and you don’t know that?’ Squall smiled at him. Irvine frowned.

Squall looked around for the others, they were rarely late and it was surprising that they had all chosen today not to be on time. He frowned. Then he noticed Zell’s familiar figure strolling across the grassy fields from the Garden, he waved at him and then turned to Irvine and said simply. ‘Don’t start.’ Zell's black eye was turning a nice shade of purple.

‘Hiya’ Zell grinned at Squall.

‘Hi Zell.’ Irvine said with a smile and Zell gave him a suspicious glance. ‘Nice eye.’ Zell frowned.

‘You know what Irvine? I can’t be bothered even trying to set things right with you, not if this attitude you have is going to keep on cropping up.’ He began to move away towards the gangway of the Ragnorak. ‘That’s right chicken-wuss, run away.’ Irvine called after him. Zell dropped his bag and turned around to face him.

‘Okay, I heard that.’

‘Guys, cut it out.’ Squall snapped but they both ignored him.

‘Well it’s not like I didn’t mean you to. Seifer was right all along.’ Irvine moved closer to Zell, they were nearly eyeball-to-eyeball.

‘Irvine, have you ever thought about quitting while you’re behind?’

‘What you going to do? Hit me?’ Irvine goaded.

‘God, I don’t know what your problem is Irvine, but I bet it’s hard to pronounce.’ Irvine snapped and threw another punch straight at Zell’s head. But in this fight Zell was expecting it, he didn’t teach fist fighting for nothing. Ducking under Ivine’s fist he delivered two body blows knocking the wind out of him, then as Irvine was reeling from those he followed up with a swift uppercut to his chin that knocked him to the floor. Zell smirked at his friends prone figure. ‘Man I’ve been wanting to do that all day.’

‘Yeah? And what did that just achieve?’ Squall asked him. ‘It didn’t help the situation any. He still thinks that you’ve screwed him over, in fact you've probably convinced him of it.’

‘Sorry Squall.’ He said without much conviction.

‘You shouldn’t be apologising to me….’ The voice that cut him off was cold and icy.

‘You should be apologising to me.’ Zell turned and stared at Selphie. Her normally pretty face was streaked with tears and her sleek hair was dishevelled. Quistis stood by her friends side with an apologetic look on her face. ‘Do you realise what your exhibition has done to my reputation.’

‘Woah Selphie I didn’t start that fight, it wasn’t my fault.’ Zell said.

‘I don’t care!’ She snapped. ‘I came here with every intention of beating the crap out of you.’ She glanced at Irvine and frowned. He had just begun to get his breath back, and was trying to sit up. ‘Both of you. But you know what, neither of you are worth my time.’ She threw a salute to Squall, a professional again. ‘Sir reporting for duty.’ Squall returned her salute.

‘Lieutenant.’ He acknowledged her. ‘Ready for your mission?’ He asked.

‘Yes sir.’

‘Well this mission statement tells you all you need to know.’ He handed her a scroll of paper. ‘You are to go to Trabia Garden and report to Delta Wistanley, the headmaster of Trabia.’ She nodded. ‘Dismissed. You too Zell. Oh and guys’ They looked at him. 'Could you junction Ifrit and Bahumat? I just want to make sure you have some kind of protection.' Zell threw him a miserable salute and both made their way up the gangplank of the Ragnorak. Squall looked at Quistis. ‘You would not believe how glad I am that I am not going with them.’ She nodded and smiled.

'I feel sorry for Zell, I really do.'

Selphie stalked through the Ragnorak's hold and made her way to the elevator, Zell was following at her heals like a forlorn puppy. She was too angry to care how he was feeling, when Quistis had told her what had happened she had broken down and cried like a baby in the middle of the corridor. She was glad she was leaving, her reputation at Balamb was in tatters and she couldn't think of a single thing she could do to make it better. This mission was a good excuse to run away, she knew herself well enough to admit it. Zell cleared his throat as they got on the elevator. She didn't even let him begin.

'Save it. I'm in no mood to listen to excuses.' She fixed her eyes on him and he nodded slightly with his head hanging down. They reached the command deck and Selphie slid into the pilot's seat. Zell looked at her apprehensively and she indicated that he was allowed to sit next to her. He gave an audiable sigh as he sit down in the co-pilots chair and strapped himself in, it was fortunate that he did, because just after his butt hit the seat Selphie took off. Zell looked at her with suprised eyes, the Ragnorak was her baby and she was actively wrestling with the controls, the vertical take off was overly fast and when it actually began to move Zell estimated that he was being forced back by about three gees. The comm unit buzzed to life.

'Selphie?' It was Squall. 'Calm down, you could have killed those of us still on the ground, at least give us a chance to get clear of the downforce next time.' Selphie winced and it gave Zell some confidence that she might be returning to her old self.

'Sorry Squall.' She said and slowed the Ragnorak down a touch.

'Don't apologise, just don't do it again.' He snapped, you could tell he was ticked off just by the tone of his voice.

'Yes, sir.' Zell grinned at her and she ignored him, the smile slid off his face.

'Look Selphie...' She glanced at him.

'I did tell you not to talk to me didn't I. I don't know how much of what's happened was your fault, we'll discuss it after we reach Trabia. Understand Sergeant?' Zell nodded slowly and then blinked.

'Did you just pull rank on me?' He asked and she nodded, okay that gave a measure to how pissed off she was. The trip was going to be a long and Zell wasn't sure he could stand the trip in silence so he began humming. Selphie gave him a sharp look so he stopped. Zell knew he was hyperactive at the best of times, but no time more than when he nothing to do. He started tapping his foot, an irritating habit he had picked up somewhere.

'Could you stop doing that.' She asked him and he frowned at her, then reached forward to switch on the radio. 'I don't want that on either.' She said primly, he growled out an obscenity and Selphie turned to him in surprise.

'What can I do Selphie? Is it okay if breathe? Can I at least do that?' The frowning stare he gave her faded when he realised she was trying not to smile. He asked her question he wasn't sure was wise. 'Are you still pissed off with me?' She nodded without hesitation.

'But regardless... I think Irvine started the rumours about me and you.' Zell frowned.

'What rumours?' He asked. She looked at him.

'You don't know?' He shook his headed. 'Put it bluntly I'm a slapper and you're a chicken-wuss who won't fight him.' Zell grunted.

'You really think he believes what he says... ya know about you and me.' Selphie shrugged and bit her lip.

'I don't know...' She then brought herself up sharp. 'Anyway is this not talking about the situation? I just want to get our mission started.'

'You just want to get back to Trabia.'

'Wouldn't you?' She had a point so he nodded and sat back in his chair, fantacising about what he would do to Irvine when he next saw him.

Delta stood at the co-ordinates that Selphie Tilmet had radioed ahead and given to her. Her assistants, Rupell Mobilia and Badier Festreli, stood with her. Badier sat fingering his gunblade in fascination, no matter how long he had been a SeeD he couldn't believe that he'd been allowed to take up his chosen weapon, he had chosen it after he had seen Squall Leonheart come to visit Trabia after the Ultimecia situation. He had given the go ahead to rebuild the Garden, he was Badier's hero. He was also really excited about meeting Squall's friends. Delta looked over at Rupell, better known as Roo. She was struggling to clamp a hat over her masses of thick red hair, Roo was a warm weather lover so she hated going outside in her ridiculously short SeeD skirt, in this Delta agreed with her, the snow and wind were turning her legs blue.

'There it is!' Badier exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. Delta turned to follow his finger and saw a spot of brilliant red on the horizon, the Ragnorak, she had seen it once and had been overawed by it's size and threatened by it's shape. It slowed as it came towards them and then began it's landing procedures. She heard the engines turn off and they waited for the two SeeDs two come down. The gangway extended and she saw the two people that were here to help her students.

Selphie Tilmet she recognised at once as the pilot of the Ragnorak the first time she had seen it, she wasn't wearing her Seed uniform, she wore a thin green jumper and dark trousers under a short brown leather jacket. Her dark hair had grown from the last time she had seen her, it was no longer flipped out to the sides but was worn just below her shoulder. Zell Dicht had his short blonde hair spiked and wore his SeeD uniform. It wasn't until they started coming towards her that she realised that he had a large black eye. Both carried large black bags, they were obviously planning on staying for a long time.

Delta raised her hand to her forehead in a salute, Roo and Badier following her lead. Selphie dropped her bag and returned it quickly, Zell did so a second later and Delta thought she saw a faint blush creep up his neck.

'At ease.' Selphie Tilmet said and they dropped into position. 'Delta Wistanley I presume?' Delta smiled and nodded.

'Yes ma'am.' Selphie looked at her two companions and looked back at Delta waiting for an introduction. 'These are my assistants Badier Festreli and Rupell Mobilia.' Selphie nodded.

'Well I am Selphie Tilmet and this is Zell Dicht. We really shouldn't be standing around in the cold. Lead on home.'

Zell watched Selphie make the introductions and smiled. She was home, she felt comfortable here and you could tell. Her bright eyes sparkled, just flying over Trabia continent had brought a bright smile to her face. He walked just to her side and watched her face become as animated as when he first knew her, it was the happiest he had seen her in months. As they marched across the snowfield her body language became more open and when Trabia Garden came into sight the joy on her face nearly broke out into laughter. Here at least she could be herself.

(Chapters 6-10)