October 30, 2001

Lauren Has Chosen WEBBER To Leave The House. After surviving being Marked three times, and becoming Head of Household, he has left the game in third place. He will now return to the Big Brother House to choose the winner :

Aimee And Lauren, the final two. They have been in the Big Brother House for 30 Days, both played the game in their own way, but are now the only two left, out the initial 12 Houseguests. Tricia, Angela, Kyle, Jane, Sarah, Shannon, Matt, Kristy, Leslie, and Webber will now return to choose the winner of Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition. Who Will It Be, Keep Posted To Find Out.


For the third consecutive Round, LAUREN is the new Head of Household. She completed the Challenge by finding 545 words. She is now in the Final Two, and has a 50% chance of walking away with the Grand Prize. Congratulations. Lauren must now choose one person to leave the Big Brother House, and the remaining person will go with her to the Final Two. Who Will Leave Next, and Lose Their Shot At The Grand Prize?


October 29, 2001

"It's funny because people always thought that I was the manipulating one."

Leslie Speaks Her Mind

Round 10 has begun. Find out the new Challenge

October 28, 2001

Aimee Has Chosen Leslie to leave the Big Brother House. Leslie has Head of Household in Round 2, and also Survived Banishment against Sarah in Round 5. She is now the Ninth Judge who will decide on the Winner of Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition.

The Next Challenge Will Be Posted Soon.

Leslie entering the Big Brother house on Day 1, and Nine Rounds and 28 Days later, she leaves the game empty handed, in Fourth Place.


Read What Leslie and Webber Have to Say


Lauren has Marked Leslie and Webber for Banishment. They have both Survived being Marked before, but for one, this game will end.

Leslie and Webber must now send their Defences to Big Brother, and Aimee must Choose one of them to leave. Who will come Fourth Place in Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition? Who still has a chance to win? Find Out Tomorrow.


The New Head Of Household is LAUREN. Well, she's not exactly new, but she has won again. She must now Mark two houseguests for Banishment. Congratulations.

See The Results

See The Answers

October 27, 2001

"I didn't get the honour of being lied to"

Kristy has her say.

In the first unanimous vote of Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition, Kristy has been kicked out of the house. One houseguest had this to say about Kristy, and her time in the game :

Make sure you tell Kristy she was a sweetheart, and i'm proud she made it this far.. but you have to respect alliances in this game, even if it means getting rid a good player.. sometimes they are threats, sometimes they are easy targets.. sometimes it's all strategy.. and sometimes it just sucks!

Now, the next Challenge is here, and Aimee, Lauren, Leslie, or Webber could win it. Then, the Head of Household, Marks two people, and gives the other absolute power over who is to leave.

October 26, 2001

The New Head of Household is Lauren. After seven Rounds of being Safe, she has finally won a Challenge, and is one step closer to the Grand Prize. Now, everyone must vote for one of their Housemates, and Lauren must vote for two. She can vote for two different ones, or cast two votes against one person. Please do this as soon as possible.

View Results Of Challenge


"And in some ways I guess it's a compliment to be voted out."

Fourth To Leave Jane has finaly spoken, and she has some nice things to say about everyone, as usual.

October 25, 2001

Round 8 is the second Special Round. In this Round, No one Is Marked. Everyone votes for the person who they want to leave, except for the Head of Household, who is Safe, and gets to vote Two Times.

Also, from now on, Head of Household can participate in the next Challenge, so Aimee is able to win back her power as Head of Household in this Round. Five are left, One will Win.

See The New Challenge

October 25, 2001

The votes have been cast. In a vote of 2-1, Matt is the Seventh person Banished from the Big Brother House. He became Head of Household, Survived being Marked, and came close in many Challenges. It was for that reason that the House decided to kick out Matt : He was too strong. Matt is the first Houseguest who has Survived being Marked to be Banished, the six who went before him left on their first time being Marked. In the two previous Rounds that Kristy has been Marked, Matt has voted for her BOTH times, and she's still in the House.

See Who Else Matt Voted For

See The Status Of All Of The Players

The next Challenge will be posted at 4:00 pm

Special Note

"I'm weird crazy, not mentally ill crazy."

An Explaination - By The Second Banished Houseguest, Angela

October 24, 2001

Aimee Has Marked Kristy and Matt for Banishment. Now, Lauren, Leslie, and Webber must cast their vote to oust one of them. Kristy and Matt must send in their Defences if they want to stay in the House, and get one step closer to the Grand Prize.

The invincible "Bottom Row" of houseguests will finally lose on member. Who Will It Be?

Read what Kristy and Matt have to say

Challenge 7 is over, and Aimee has won. She was the first to correctly give "Evangelist" as her answer for the Challenge. Congratulations Aimee.

Aimee must now Mark 2 of her fellow houseguests for Banishment. Who won't make it to the next Special Round? That's Aimee's call.

October 23, 2001

Part 1 of the Seventh Challenge has ended. Here are the Results :

Matt sent his in first, followed by Aimee, then Leslie. Exactly 1 minute after Leslie gave her answers to Big Brother, Kristy responded correctly to the Challenge. The three finalists are Aimee, Leslie, and Matt. They must complete the next part of the challenge here :

Use The Clue. Good Luck.

"I love that girl in person but in the game she was very different of how I know her to be."

Read Shannon's no holds barred Post-Show Interview

October 23, 2001

Shannon has been Banished from the Big Brother House, in a vote of 3-1. She survived through 3 weeks and 2 days of Big Brother life, but tonight was given the boot from the house. Before leaving, she did manage to win one Head of Household competition, in Round 3, and Survived right up until the last part of the first half of the game.

Good Luck Shannon

The game is now in its second half, and Six competitors remain. Only one will become the Champion, and claim the grand prize.

The new Challenge for Round 7, is here

October 22, 2001

"Those Jealous Bitches"

The interview with second Round boottee Angela has finally arrived.

Read the completely unedited, unabridged, and unrestrained Post-Show Interview .

Read What Kristy and Shannon have to say

See who Tricia, Angela, Kyle, Jane, and Sarah have voted for

And... Find out the final results of the polls

October 21, 2001

Webber is the new Head of Household

See The Results Of The Challenge

He has Marked Kristy and Shannon for Banishment. Now, Kristy and Shannon must send in thier defences, and Aimee, Lauren, Leslie, and Matt must choose which one of them will leave.

Good Luck

October 21, 2001

The new Challenge is here :

In a vote of 2-3, it couldn't have been any closer, Sarah has been Banished from the Big Brother House.


Good Luck to Sarah, and to the 7 remaining Houseguests, congratulations. Round 6 is the half way point, when our group of seven is made into the Final Six. The challenge for the next Head of Household, is going to be posted later today.

October 20, 2001

Matt has Marked Leslie and Sarah for Banishment. These two former Heads of Household are Marked for the first time this game. One of them will leave.

Now, Aimee, Kristy, Lauren, Shannon, and Webber must vote for one of them to leave the Big Brother House. Good Luck to you both.


Check Out what Leslie and Sarah have to say.

See What Kyle and Tricia said about thier Big Brother experiences.

October 19, 2001

In the fastest Head of Household competition yet, Matt emerged victorious when he answered all of his questions correctly. Congartualtions Matt. He must now Mark two fellow houseguests for Banishment.

See The Results

October 19, 2001

The new Challenge is due by noon on Saturday.

On Day 19 of the Big Brother game, the houseguests said Good Bye to Jane, and it wasn't close. She received 5 votes, and Matt recieved only 1.

Some of the Houseguests votes were :

"If you want a threat, Jane's it."
"Jane is the biggest threat right now."
"It's because she's too nice!"

So Long, and Good Luck.

The next Challenge will be up later today.


"This really doesn't reflect how people look on me at all, it was just a fun game while it lasted."

Find out what else Kyle had to say

October 18, 2001

Sarah has made her selections. She has Marked Jane And Matt for Banishment.

Read Their Defences

Now, Aimee, Kristy, Lauren, Leslie, Shannon, and Webber must choose who will be the next to go. Send in your votes as soon as possible. Jane and Matt, send in your defence as soon as you can. This is the first non-Safe Round for both of them. One will Survive Banishment, an honour in itself, while the other will leave without ever winning Head of Household. Good Luck.

October 17, 2001

The Challenge Is Over. After immense voting by the houseguests, they have finally chosen their new Head of Household. It's Sarah. For the second time this game, Sarah is in the position to Mark two of her fellow housemates for Banishment.

She now must Mark TWO of her housemates for Banishment. Good Luck.

The Challenge was close, take a look

October 16, 2001

The House is down to the single digits. Nine students remain. Who will go next? No one knows, except we know that the Head of Household won't. See the new Challenge here, and get your responses in asap. Note : In case of tie, the winner will be the one who sent theirs in first.

October 16, 2001

In A Vote Of 4 to 2 to 0, Kyle has been Banished from the Big Brother House. Aimee received the other two votes.

Although the vote wasn't close, most found Kyle to be a threat, and needed him to leave. He is the first man to leave the game of Big Brother 3. He will be missed. Good Luck In The Future.

The New Challenge for Round 4 will be posted later this evening.

October 15, 2001

Who Would You Vote Out? Aimee, Kyle, or Webber? Read Their Defences And Decide

October 14, 2001

Shannon has chosen to Mark Aimee, Kyle, and Webber, for Banishment.

They must now send Big Brother their Defences as soon as possible. Jane, Kristy, Lauren, Leslie, Matt, and Sarah must now vote for either Aimee, Kyle, or Webber to leave the Big Brother House. Please do so as soon as you can. Good Luck to those Marked for Banishment.

October 13, 2001

THE CHALLENGE IS OVER! The New Head Of Household is Shannon.

She must now Mark THREE of her fellow housemates for Banishment. Shannon holds the fate of one of you in her hands, who will leave, in Round 3?

View The Results Of The Challenge

The Challenge Is Now Due At 8:00 pm TONIGHT. The Winner Will Be Announced Shortly Afterwards.

October 12, 2001

The Next Challenge Is Up! Answers Due Tomorrow

October 11, 2001

Round 3 is the first of three Special Rounds. In Round 3, the Head of Household will Mark Three Houseguests for Banishment.
The Next Challenge will start once Shannon has sent her first section of the Challenge to Big Brother. Once that is done, the next part of Challenge Three will begin.

Banished Houseguest TRICIA Speaks :

"She's very conniving and she can easily sway people her way."

Find out who she's talking about, and more.

October 10, 2001

It is Day 10, and Angela has become the second person to leave Mark's Big Brother : University Edition. In a vote of 6-2, she was forced to pack her bags, and walk out the door.

Some houseguests decided to get rid of her because of her threatening status, seperate alliances, and one houseguest said "Someone has to go!". Good work, the ten remaining Houseguests must now complete section one of the new challenge, and then the next Round will commence.

October 9, 2001

View the results of the Challenge here :

Leslie has Marked two of her fellow Housemates for Banishment. She has Chosen


Now, Aimee, Jane, Kyle, Lauren, Matt, Sarah, Shannon, and Webber MUST cast their votes. If a houseguest does not vote by 12:00am on October 11th, there will be severe consequences. Angela and Kristy must also send their defences to Big Brother as soon as they can. Remember the proper voting procedure.

October 8, 2001

LESLIE is the new Head of Household! She must now Mark two fellow housemates for Banishment. No one is safe.


Congrats! Send in your choices as soon as possible.

October 6, 2001

Congratulations to the eleven remaining competitors. Now is your chance to move on the next Round of play. The Challenge is here :

October 5, 2001

Matt hasn't voted, and it doesn't matter. In a vote of 7-2, Tricia is the first person banished from the Big Brother House.

The next challenge will be held tomorrow. Good Bye Tricia, and Good Luck.

October 4, 2001

THE VOTES ARE IN...almost. Every houseguest has voted, with the exception of MATT. The votes will be announced as soon as Matt sends his vote.

October 3, 2001

Almost all of the votes have been cast. It's time to go into the Diary Room and find out our first two votes...

Our first Houseguest : "Although I love her to pieces, this isn't about that. I Vote To Banish Tricia.
Second Houseguest : "Loyalty is important to me, so I Vote To Banish Webber

That gives Tricia and Webber both one vote to leave the Big Brother House. Who will it be? Find out tomorrow on Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition.

October 2, 2001

The Challenge has ended, and there is a Winner!


Sarah is the first Head of Household! Congratulations. To see the results

She has also marked the first two people for Banishment.


Now, Aimee, Angela, Jane, Kristy, Kyle, Lauren, Leslie, Matt, and Shannon must now cast their vote to banish either Tricia or Webber as soon as possible. Remember the proper voting procedure!

Good Luck to Tricia and Webber, one of you will leave at the end of this Round. Read their pleas to stay in the house at the bottom of the page.

October 1, 2001

The first challenge has been posted. The winner is the first Head of Household.