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Welcome to the CatElf Home Page! Here you can find many things of interest to you, as a player, or potential player of a CatElf. The CatElves are a tribe of pure-blooded elves on the MUSH TwoMoons. The MUSH is based upon the "ElfQuest" comics by Wendy and Richard Pini. The MUSH is located at: 4201. To find out more about TwoMoons visit their web page:

Catelf Home Page Image

This is the page you're currently viewing

History Page Image

This page containes tribal history

Elves Page Image

This has information about the CatElf elves in general

This has information about the elves in the tribe

Panthers Page Image

This is information concerning the bonds

Policy Page Image

This has the OOC policies about the tribe

Climate Page Image

!!!Not Active!!!
Will have Jungle climate information

Joining the Tribe Page Image

This is information on joining the tribe

Jungle Life Page Image

This is information on the flora and fauna of the tribe

Logs Page Image

This will have various logs made concerning the tribe

[Elves], [Tribe], [Panthers], [Climate], [Jungle Life], [History], [Policy], [Joining], [Logs]

These pages are maintained by Syrra of the CatElf Tribe on TwoMoons MUSH,
The graphics were originally designed by Kiera of TwoMoons MUSH,
and are copyright 2001 to Syrra.

Email Syrra with corrections, or updates, or +mail on TwoMoons MUSH

ElfQuest is a registered trademark of Warp Graphics.