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Sexual harassment will not be tolerated, period.
Basic guidelines are as follows:

A) If a character says no, that is the end of the matter. You will stop any and all comments/intentions/moves towards this person. This includes male to female, female to male, male to male and female to female.

B) If someone is bothering you, please tell this person to stop if they make you uncomfortable or if they make it difficult to play. If they do not stop, please contact the chieftain or chief second immediately. They will help you with the situation. Situations of this nature will be dealt with privately.

C) Please do not engage in any OOC sexual overtures or contact if you've been asked to stop before. If another character is not interested in your advances, then you do NOT continue to page/speak to them on the subject. This covers blatant sexual advances, attacks for refusing such advances, or repeated apologies or guilt past a reasonable point.

D) Elves do NOT rape and therefore no 'forced' sex/TS/TinySex/cybersex is ICly possible in the World of Two Moons. The tenderness shared between elves is always CONSENSUAL.

E) No sexual activity will be allowed in 'public' rooms. Current tribal members should have their own tent/den/niche/etc. If you do not have a private space of your own, then please just +mail the chief or chief2nd with the type of dwelling that you desire. We do have space in the trees, tent space within the Encampment, caves near the Waterfall, or even out in the jungle itself. Requests for unusual locations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but remember that the geography of the south is pretty well mapped out by now. No unusual spots will 'suddenly' sprout into existence that conflict with established canon. Please allow a week or so for the builder to create your new space.

If you idle for more than 30 days, you will be assumed to be MIA unless you give prior notice to the chief or chief2nd. Cat Elves have a strong streak of wanderlust that flares up now and again, and it is understandable if your character wants to travel north to see the world. Those characters that lose interest and simply stop logging in will be set to the idle roster prior to their characters being idlenuked in one of the global MUSH sweeps.

If you are off on vacation or temporarily losing access,
A) Set your VACATION attribute. This can be done by typing &VACATION me=<reason for absence>
B) +mail the chief or chief2nd with a short explanation of your absence. Your character will be moved to the idle roster and set to VACation status.
C) It's best if you move your character to your private domicile for the duration of your absence, rather than leaving him/her to sit in the middle of a public room. If you wish, @lock the entrance(s) to your room to prevent unwanted visitors coming in in the meantime.

We're here to RP and have fun, not to hunt folks down. We do not want to have to figure out where you've been for a month or so, especially if your character has been expected to participate in an established TP.

Insults or snide remarks directed towards another Cat Elf on the CatElf channel will not be tolerated. We are members of the same tribe, please show a little respect. Jokes and friendly banter is OK, especially if the others on the channel wish to participate and are not offended by such. I should hope that you know the difference.


Problems can be dealt with either by the people involved or you can bring the problem to the chief and/or chief 2nd.

If there is a problem with the chief, the best person to bring it to first would be the chief2nd and vice-versa. If you feel that you cannot bring the problem to either one, +mail the wizards and ask for assistance. This should be a last resort only, since the chief and chief2nd are here to help you and the tribe.

If you break any of the rules listed here, or the rules of common courtesy, you will get your first warning. You will be asked to cease the inappropriate behavior, and receive every opportunity to state your side of the situation.

If you break the same rule again, then you will receive a second warning and your behavior will be noted in a +mail to the wizards.

Third violations will be dealt with most severely. The offending party will be +exiled from the tribe for the duration of his/her character's natural IC lifespan and a full report will be made to the wizards at this point.

If you feel that you have been unjustly accused, please speak to the chief/chief2nd. If necessary, an impartial wizard can be called into a meeting to discuss the situation together with the chief and the accused party.
We're all here to roleplay and have fun; these rules are here to protect all of you.


[Elves], [Tribe], [Panthers], [Climate], [Jungle Life], [History], [Policy], [Joining], [Logs]