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These instructions are set up to help both you and us through the application process.
Please read each of these instructions carefully. Failure to complete any of
the steps will result in a denied application.

Those wanting to apply for a NPC need to get OK'd by the family members in charge
of the character. Type 'NPCS' to find out who owns the character.

To join the Cat Elves, you must first read the information files here on the tribe, customs,
history, etc. Cat Elves are different than other tribes of elves online, and your
character should reflect this. Take a little time to decide whether this is the kind of
character that you want to play here.

1) Character background should include, but not limited to:

- The names of your parents and siblings (See +help +family)

- Childhood. Where were you born? How were you raised? Are your parents still alive? If you are applying for a kit, less is needed here but there should be some background information.

- Personality traits. What does your character like to do? What is his or her function within the tribe? Typical occupations are hunter, tracker, healer, tanner, etc. There are other jobs that relate to these, any of which should be fine. Any special cases that wander far afield will require more background work and plausible factors to justify consideration.

2) Describe yourself fully. This includes hair and eye color, general build, clothing, any special accessories (such as weapons, adornments, etc.) It is possible to be too verbose in your desc on a normal basis, but let yourself write naturally here first. We will note spelling and grammar problems and make notes for correction.

3) When you think you have your char finished, +mail Kaer or Rahna. Be sure to include your IC age and soulname, and make sure that your character is parked in the OOC Room. Yes, Cat Elves have soulnames and Recognize (see news Recognition). We won't divulge what it is, we just want to make sure that there are no duplications. Your application will be looked over and sent back with corrections/suggestions. Don't be disappointed if you are not accepted automatically... every character can always stand some fine-tuning.

If you haven't received a reply within a week, drop us a mail asking if we've looked everything over. We usually get applications processed much sooner than that, but there are always *THOSE* weeks here and there. Applications will be looked at in the order we receive them, so don't page Kaer online the day after you submitted an application. When in doubt, +mail questions. If you send a rude or impolite mail, it will only waste our time and yours. If you fail to read the information files thoroughly before applying or don't follow some or all of these guidelines, you will be asked to refile your application. For those who consistently fail to submit an application properly, you may be refused and asked to seek another tribe.

Joining the Tribe (Extras)

These are new changes to our tribal policy regarding new members. These are not intended to suppress creativity or step on anyone's fun. It was thought that perhaps these changes may help limit some of the problems that have cropped up in the tribe from the start of the Cat Elf experience.:

1) Read the Character Primer on the Two Moons homepage. It's a great aid to successfully creating a new elf that will work within the confines of Two Moons MUSH. It is located at I'll just touch on one particular point mentioned in the Primer... for those who think to begin their backgrounds with great disaster in either their immediate families or in their environment, please take a second to reconsider. Putting stuff in like 'my parents were killed by humans' or 'they just up and walked away one day, leaving me to be raised by panthers' has been, quite frankly, done to death. I know that it might sound cool, but what it actually does is widen the gap between you and the rest of the tribe. Cat Elves are not fanatical isolationists... living spread throughout the jungle is a traditional way of protecting the entire tribe from being discovered by any intruders that may enter the jungle.

2) Since the tribe is obviously bigger ICly than a mere 26 members, the creation of NPCs as tribal friends, lovemates, and even family members is allowed for the purposes of +info and RP. However, please be careful in your usage of this feature. Like having deceased members, NPC family members have the tendency of distancing a character from the rest of the tribe, which tends to stunt RP growth. Also, NPCs are rarely developed as well as regular characters even though they have equal status (or are supposed to have). If a player wishes to have his or her NPCs participate in a TP through the use of judicious emits, what are they going to say? What is your NPC's background, and is he/she available to be family to another new tribal member, to further cement the bond that our tribe enjoys? Remember, the more background that you explore in your characters, PC or NPC, the better the RP will be because you won't be hunting for an answer when a stranger asks a simple question of your background.


[Elves], [Tribe], [Panthers], [Climate], [Jungle Life], [History], [Policy], [Joining], [Logs]