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The black panther in true form is really a black jaguar. The panther/jaguar is a powerful, deep-chested, stocky cat with a large, rounded head and short, sturdy limbs. The panther/jaguar's fur varies from pale gold to rich rusty red, and is patterned with a series of dark rosettes that enclose one or two smaller spots. Along the middle of the panther/jaguar's back, a row of black spots sometimes merge into a solid line. All-black panther/jaguars are called panthers and are the Catelves most common bond, and in these black animals the spots sometimes show through the darker background of the fur. (Please make note that any cat made other than black or dark brown or black with spots needs chiefly approval - +mail works great)

The strength and enormously powerful bite of a jaguar is most often needed, not for subduing the largest of it's prey, but for piercing the armor of crocodilians (reptiles). Panthers kill both land hard-shells (tortoises) and river hard-shells (turtles) by brute force, breaking the top of the thick shell with their teeth. When a jaguar has captured a large mammal, it kills it by a powerful bite to the head, neck or throat, often puncturing the skull near the ears with the canines, or dislocating or crushing the neck vertebrae. The aura of a panther is of great power, not speed or graceful beauty like a heavyweight wrestler rather than a runner. This does not however mean the animals are dull witted or clumsy by any means. These animals are sleek and graceful to a degree.

The stocky build of the makes it look larger than it really is. The largest of panthers can weight up to 300 (these are rare and need an ok to be created) but most males weigh 121.5 - 250 pounds and a head and body length that measures 45-72.75 inches. While the females weigh on average of 79.5 - 175 lbs. While the females weigh on average of 79.5 - 175 lbs.

One to four young are born after a gestation period of 93-105 in character days (8-9 days rl). The young weigh about 24.5 - 32 lbs each at birth and remain with their mother for about a little under two turns - Remember this is a real life comparison for you to get a rough idea. The cats here on Two Moons are not exactly like real life so 1 in character season is what's needed. Our panther bonds can live up to as many as 50 Abode turns. The average, however is 35-40 turns.

The panther will feed on almost anything that is available, including lizards, snakes, treewees, small mammals, runners or leapers (deers or gazelle), fish, hard-shells (turtles) and long tails(longtailed monkies) & limbrunners(Chimps-primates). The panther's powerful jaws and robust canine teeth enable the cat to kill livestock weighing three or four times it's own weight, often with a bite to the back of the skull, rather than the more common neck or throat bite employed by the other large cats. The specialty of panthers among the big cats is their strong association with wet and waterside habitats, from which they take some prey. Jaguar/panther's are most often found around dense vegetation. Being good climbers, panthers often rest in trees but they are believed to hunt almost entirely on the ground. Some of their prey includes: treewees, rodents (skitters or rats), runners or leapers (deers or gazelle), snooters (anteaters), crocodilians, long tails(longtailed monkies) & limbrunners (primates), and river hard-shells (tortoises)

Ok, now you know more about our bonds then most elves should know to become bonded. But remember, if you wish a bond other than black, the Chief should be asked as a courtesy. Not all Catelves will have spotted cats, most should be muted colors. So go on along and remember, we do not have cat blood in our veins and therefore cannot have perfect communication with them as the wolfriders have with their wolves.

Catelves bond with panthers in way unlike a wolfrider. While a wolfrider sends and recieves from wolves, Catelves bond with panthers with emotion and feelings. A catelf (depending on +magic) can feel when thier bonds are angry, happy or in danger and the other way around, if close enough. So, an elf might call their panther by conveying a need to be with them, but they cannot send actual thoughts to the animal, the panther will not hear a send. An elf might pose a send to scold a panther, but the panther will react to the disapproving emotion, not the send itself. Words are not much better, although a shout will get a bond's attention in a way that an emotionless send will not. Catelves use their panthers to get around, riding them as they hunt or travel.


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