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"...there are many tribes and holts of elves living on the World of Two
Moons, scattered by time and distance across many different areas. More
often than not, each tribe is shaped by circumstance and environment,
by weather and plants and animals that surround them, and also by the
presence of humans or lack thereof. Here, we shall speak of those
hardy elves that traveled so very far south, that live in the jungles
forevergreen and the savannah of wild winds and endless grasses.
Tonight, we shall sing of the Cat Elves..."

Cat Elves are a nomadic, isolated tribe living in the vast jungle in the southernmost region of Two Moons. The typical Cat Elf is self-assured, confident, and very comfortable with the use of one or more weapons indigenous to the tribe. Some can be cocky and even aggressive in nature, although this is not typical of all. Cat Elves do not attack without provocation or seek to start conflict as a rule; they are rarely given to any acts of malicious mischief or bullying. Their primary thought is to the well-being of their friends, families, and tribe.

Cat Elves are 'pure-blooded' elves... that is, they are descended from the original High Ones that landed on Abode so many thousands of turns ago. Unlike wolfriders, Cat Elves do not have mixed blood and they prefer to eat cooked meat although they can eat raw if necessary.

Cat Elves bond with large panthers that roam through the jungle (see the panther information item for more). They seem to share an uncommon bond with the great cats, living and hunting with them to survive.


Our ancestors broke away from the group that became the gliders and settled Blue Mountain. After centuries of turns apart, the Cat Elves chieftain went north and met with the Lord of Blue Mountain. The two clasped hands in friendship, forming a bond between the two tribes. As a result, there exists a treaty that every Cat Elf is expected to honor, an agreement of mutual non-interference.

The primary interest of the Cat Elves is the health and survival of their tribe even as they often live apart from each other. Memory of their ragged flight from the humans living along the northern savannah keeps them together as a tribal family. Cat Elves will often regard strangers to the Forevergreen with some faint measure of distrust and suspicion that comes from a natural territorial instinct. True xenophobia is rare although a few older elves may actually shun outsiders and refuse to interact with. Regardless of their private feelings, visitors to the jungles receive a decent measure of hospitality and protection from the elements and humans. Some Cat Elves may hold themselves to be better than any other, such arrogance coming from their general unfamiliarity with northerners.


Specific characteristics:

- Cat Elves do not have brightly colored hair. It would surely welcome a quick death in the jungles. No red hair, white or silver is to be seen... anything close to that would need approval by the review staff.

- Typical eye colors range from blues and greens, to browns and purples. Unless you have wolfrider blood you _will_not_ have yellow eyes.

- Males will range in height from 3'6" to 4'2", females will range from 3'2" to 3'9". We will not accept applications with taller heights.

Cat Elves are very skilled in fighting, hunting, and tracking. They use a variety of weapons, including knives, arrows, spears, and claw weapons known as cat claws. Such weapons are made by the tribes weapons makers for every Cat Elf; even those who prefer more peaceful occupations will carry one. There are general rules for netiquette in hunting and combat:

- You pose launching your attack. You do NOT pose the results of said attack. It is considered twinkish to assume the success or result of your attack. Your opponent will do that. The only exception is if you are hunting an animal that you yourself control OOCly.

- After you pose your attack, your prey or opponent will pose their response. Sometimes lag really hurts a character and we can't allow death over it :)

- Death here is as permanent as the real world. Unless your opponent specifically stated that he or she wished to lose the fight in such a final way, you cannot kill them against their wishes.

The climate in this part of the world is considered tropical or sub-tropical; hot, sticky, and full of bugs. Elves from the Sun Village would not find the heat overly much, but the humidity is somewhat overwhelming. Normal attire for Cat Elves would be much less than for others: breeches, shorts, or loin cloths for males, two piece outfits for females, and so on. No one is required to appear especially sexy or alluring, but anyone with fur boots and a tunic would soon pass out from the heat.

Cat Elves prefer colors that would blend in with their surroundings, such as greens and browns. There will be a tribal tanner for leather making and such, even if only NPC. Kitlings generally go barefoot around their homes, but most Cat Elves will wear some kind of light boots or shoes to protect their feet from poisonous plants and insects on the ground. Cat Elves refer to their leafy home as 'the jungles' or 'the forevergreen', and the grasslands to the north as 'the savannah'.


[Elves], [Tribe], [Panthers], [Climate], [Jungle Life], [History], [Policy], [Joining], [Logs]