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Concept Originality BIOS Godmoding Conflicts Awareness Depth Disassociation

Character Originality

I cannot stress the importance of creating an original character. Originality is your one way ticket towards both being taken seriously and gaining people's interests. Gaining people's interest perks their curiosity and you'll soon discover more people will be interested in roleplaying with your character.

Take a little time and get to know the place you wish to introduce your character to. See what races are scarce, what eye colours and hair colours are absent from the surroundings, choose something a little off the wall if it suites you. Changes can always be made later with a well places rp.

Originality doesn't always have to be a visiable thing though. It can be something seceret, but if that is the route you so wish to take, make sure that special piece of originality is documented somewhere or you share it with a couple of fellow players. When special skills or abilities suddenly pop into play without any forementioning, people tend to brush them off as an impromtu attempt to siddle out of a situation or an attempt to grab special attention.