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Concept Originality BIOS Godmoding Conflicts Awareness Depth Disassociation

Character Conflicts

Now as with real life in roleplay environments there's always going to be those characters your character won't get along with. Below I've listed some common interaction guildlines many like to see used when conflict arises.

Watch your language: In the heat of the moment very unpleasant and unallowed words will come to mind. Make a strong effort to find alternatives or risk some nasty consequences. Most RP places offer some good creative twists and people will love your play on words and obvious wit. In the case of Cosrin for example there is a creature called a mouther, so some instead of saying "mother f****r" will quickly say "mouther lover" or "go to hell" (as hell doesn't exist in Cosrin) becomes "Loki take you". Weak I know but I'll leave it to you to come up with more original phrases.

Performing an offensive action: When conflict comes to blows make a double effort not to GODMODE the other character and ensure it won't happen to you. When roleplaying a physical confrontation, it's only right to AIM a blow or ATTEMPT a strike. Name the type of attack, the manner of the strike and where you're planning on landing it.

For example: PLAYER1 brings their sword up suddenly aiming a slash towards PLAYER2's abdomen.

You have now given them the choice to take damage, barely miss being struck or being missed totally. In return they should do the same for you. NOTE: It is considered godmoding to have absolutely no bare misses if you take absolutely no damage. If the character you are up against is of similiar level, age what have you, be assured the fight will be trying. If they are a vastly higher experience level then you, you are a godmoder if you feel they cannot damage you.

Performing a defensive action: Simply being prepared can save you alot of grief during conflicts. If there's a long pause or you have nothing to do, fill that gap by readying your character to dodge or parry and simply make mention that they are highly alert. This gives evidence to your opponent that you are at the ready and precreates part of the reason on why their attack failed if you feel it was a weak attack.

Special consideration: Roleplaying is a very sporting hobby and skill is generally what is first rewarded. Roleplaying is a developed skill and when the other player you are dealing with makes evident a great skill by surprising or impressing you with a move, if it took you by surprise, consider that fact when you decide your characters reaction. You don't improve your RPing skills by constantly winning and losses not only give your character more depth, but it also gives them more education and experience and lowers their chances of losing with each defeat they take.