>=Digimon Emperor Digital World=<

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Season 2

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 -Davis Motomiya
 -Yolei Inoue
 -Cody Hida
 -Kari Kamiya
 -T.K. Takaishi
 -Ken Ichijouji
 -Tai Kamiya
 -Sora Takenouchi
 -Matt Ishida
 -Izzy Izumi
 -Mimi Tachikawa
 -Joe Kido
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Season 3

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Story of Season 3

 Season 3, also known as Digimon Tamers, starts many years after the last battle with Malomyotismon. This Season isn't that dramatic as the last season. This time everyone thinks Digimon is a show. But later, Digidestined find out it's real. There are totally new Digidestined kids with new Digimon Partners and New Digivices called D-Arcs. They are fanatics of the Digi-Battle Card Game. There are 3 Digidestined in the beginning but more come and join with them. They all leave in a small part of Tokyo called West Shinjnku. There is also a partnerless Digimon named Culumon and help the new Digidestineds' Digimon to Digivolve. In this Series, they're new Enemies and new goals to accomplish.
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