>=Digimon Emperor Digital World=<

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Site Related

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 -02 Picture Gallery
 -Tamers Gallery *HOT*
 -02 Digimon
 -03 Digimon *HOT*
 -Tamer Icons *New*
 -Group Pictures

Season 2

 -The Story
 -Davis Motomiya
 -Yolei Inoue
 -Cody Hida
 -Kari Kamiya
 -T.K. Takaishi
 -Ken Ichijouji
 -Tai Kamiya
 -Sora Takenouchi
 -Matt Ishida
 -Izzy Izumi
 -Mimi Tachikawa
 -Joe Kido
 -Villains *HOT*
 -Voice Cast

Season 3

 -The Story
 -Characters *HOT*
 -Digimon *HOT*
 -Devices *New*
 -Voice Cast

Fan Stuff

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 -Fan Art
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Toys / Games

 -Toys from 03 *HOT*


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D-3 Information

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FTP Help
(File Transfer Protocal)

  First of all, FTP is a way you can upload files onto your server faster and easier.  You can use the browser or a FTP program like CuteFTP or WS FTP.

To use the browser to upload:
(1) Put the URL of your FTP Site
For Example:
(2) Open Windows Explorer
(3) Copy the File in Explorer and then paste them into the FTP site.
If any Questions Contact: digitaldigiemperor@yahoo.com
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