>=Digimon Emperor Digital World=<

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 -02 Picture Gallery
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 -02 Digimon
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Season 2

 -The Story
 -Davis Motomiya
 -Yolei Inoue
 -Cody Hida
 -Kari Kamiya
 -T.K. Takaishi
 -Ken Ichijouji
 -Tai Kamiya
 -Sora Takenouchi
 -Matt Ishida
 -Izzy Izumi
 -Mimi Tachikawa
 -Joe Kido
 -Villains *HOT*
 -Voice Cast

Season 3

 -The Story
 -Characters *HOT*
 -Digimon *HOT*
 -Devices *New*
 -Voice Cast

Fan Stuff

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Toys / Games

 -Toys from 03 *HOT*


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SSI Help
(Server Side Includes)

  First of all...SSI is to help updating page easier and faster.  First of all, you can design your top part, anyway you want and align the table for the top and <div align="center> the top part and do the same for the left, right, and bottom.  And you must rename .html files to .shtml. So I would name the top, right, and left...Top.shtml, Right.shtml, and Left.shtml

The Code is:

<!--#include virtual="filename.shtml-->

And then...Say You want to design the middle. First design it and make sure the table is aligned and then name is WHATEVER.shtml

The Code would be:
<!--#include virtual="Top.shtml"-->
<!--#include virtual="Left.shtml"-->
<!--#include virtual="Right.shtml"-->
<!--#include virtual="WHATEVER.shtml"-->

And Then I would save it as whatever.shtml

Then, put a link for whatever.shtml on your Left.shtml
If any Questions Contact: digitaldigiemperor@yahoo.com
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