>=Digimon Emperor Digital World=<

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Season 2

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 -Davis Motomiya
 -Yolei Inoue
 -Cody Hida
 -Kari Kamiya
 -T.K. Takaishi
 -Ken Ichijouji
 -Tai Kamiya
 -Sora Takenouchi
 -Matt Ishida
 -Izzy Izumi
 -Mimi Tachikawa
 -Joe Kido
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Season 3

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Voice Actors

Actor / Actress Name Plays Voice of
Brian Donovan Davis
Derek Stephen Prince Veemon
Doug Brhoitz T.K.
Laura Summer Patamon
Tiffanie Chrieton Yolei
Neil Kefian Hawkmon
Lara Jill Miller Kari
Edie Miranon Gatomon
Phrece Sampler Cody
Robert Arelrod Armadillomon
Coleen Shaugnnessy Sora
Tiffanie Chrieton Biyomon
Joshua Seth Tai
Tom Fane Agumon
Phrece Sampler Mimi
Anna Gardune Palmon
Micheal Lindeay Joe
R. Martin Klien Gomamon
Mona Marshall Izzy
Jeff Nimoy Tentomon
Micheal Renz Matt
Mira Thomson Gabumon
Derek Stephen Prince Ken / Digimon Emperor
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