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April Fool's Day, April 1, 2001

By Binc -- Administrator

Fel and the rest of Dragon's Eye decided to play a (not so) little April Fool's day trick on us all. Upon opening Furcadia, everyone was greeted with the opening screen, and a little message, pictured at the left, which says: "Attention Please: due to hardware failure, Furcadia's maximum capacity has been reduced to 11. Sorry for the inconvience. -Master Socket."

But, that wasn't the end of the madness, it got worse, much worse. Every single furre had "Vlady-" infront of their name, and every single furre's colors had been altered. This madness is pictured at the right.

Some daring furres took this joke to the next level, and donned Vlady's colors for the day. These furres ran around in their Vlady costumes for most of the day, but paused long enough for a screen shot (or two, or three, or four.)

Even Vlady-Sancy the cat got in on some of this April Fool's Day fun. She tricked quite a few Beekin applicants into believing that they had missed quite an important Beekin meeting with a little whisper saying: "[ Vlady-Sancy|the|cat whispers, "Welcome to Sanctuary, the guild dream of The Circle. All guests must read the signs at the start. Whisper me 'info' for more information. ** Note: Try '/sancy info messages' ** ATTENTION ALL BEEKIN APPLICANTS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS. MANDATORY MEETING TODAY AT 7 AM EST. ALL MUST ATTEND TO BE A BEEKIN_" to you. ]" You don't even want to know how many frantic Beekin Applicants came to Sanctuary asking if they were still going to be allowed to be Beekin because they had missed the meeting.

As the day wore on though, even more crazy things started happening. The Vlady- madness stopped, and everyone but Fel's colors returned to normal. Although, the message on the start up screen did read: "All non-rodents will be assimilated. Don't worry, everyone, Felorin won Dragon's Eye back from Vlady in a poker game. Now, if she can just figure out how to fix this mouse problem - and who made her a pink musteline in a mini-skirt! Hey!"

We should have known that there was more tricks to come, because, wouldn't ya know it, the first thing you saw as soon as you logged on was that everyone was a mouse. That is, everyone, except for Fel, who was a bright pink female musteline. Elizabeth Kitty had wanted to get atleast a little bit of revenge on Fel.

Well, just when we thought that things were finally settled, and there wouldn't be anymore jokes for a while, Ayeka Jurai decided to play a little joke of her own. Everyfurre in Sanctuary that didn't have wings was wearing a bikini! Even Elizabeth Kitty stopped for a moment to model her suit.

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