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Update is coming, April 12, 2001

By Bravecat -- Administrator

The news is everywhere! If you haven't already heard, the update is coming. On April 12, Felorin announced that the update is very near. What does this mean for you?

Furcadia is moving to a server at Playnet. The new server is a Dual Processor P3-800, 512 megs RAM, Dual 36 gig SCSI hard drives (mirrored). A new server means a couple of things. First, thousands of furres will be able to log on at the same time. Automatic reconnention when connection is lost. According to Felorin - you won't even know you were diconnected. And for all you bot makers, there will be a new IP address to connect to. Also, don't expect your old proxies to work.

Now the part everyone has been waiting for - the newest species: the giant wrestling chickens, err... Phoenix. With Dragons came dragonbreath and with the Pheonix comes something new. The Pheonix Avatar will have the ability to burst into flames. Sounds pretty cool... we'll just wait and see.

What else can we expect? Bugs. Every update has it's bugs. The Beekins and Owsla have been busy testing the update so hopefully there won't be too much of a problem... and if there is we know who to blame.

It was said when Dragons first came out that there would eventually be some special dragonspeak that only they can trigger. This update will have exactly that. Triggers that go off when a dragon breathes and when a phoenix flames(heh). Will this revolutionalize the way we make dreams? Probably not. Something to expect in future updates: speech activated triggers.

Faces. Like the one you can make using the _. The different expressions should be a lot of fun. =P are soon to be old fashioned.

Now everyone can have a copy of the FSH editor. As most of you know, this is a patch editing program made by Sanctimonious.

Specitags and badges. If you want to know what these look like, go to the Create-a-Furre screen and look at the icon near the "Click Here When Your Done" button. Graphical badges that show when a staff member speaks. This will make it so there is no doubt who is an official helper in Furcadia whether they are Creators, Associates, Owsla or Beekins. These will only be turned on when someone is actually on duty and will replace things like [Owsla] in descriptions.

More stuff that is coming with the update: VisualDS editor bug has been fixed, map teleport buttons, more centrally located start coordinates for Acropolis and Imaginarium and the start place for Meovanni is back to its old location near the wisdom tree, and a new entry to the Goldwyn map on Imaginarium.

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