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The New Beekin Helper Program, August 20, 2001

By Esperi Jollen

On May 12, 2001, the beginning of possibly the biggest fleet of Furre helpers started. It was on this date that the new Beekin Program began. In order to become a Beekin, furres had to first apply from the website. Once they got an email response whether their application were excepted, then they began their rigorous 3, 1 hour class training (the first of which held on May 12, 2001). They are led by the Beekin Council, a team of 18 furres, who are in charge of the Beekin Help Program. The Beekin Council is led by the Council Head, Leandria and the Assistand Council Head, Ridere.

There are three different types of Beekins. Welcomers, Desk, and Channel Beekins. The main job of the welcomers is to, "...greet new furres that arrive in the magical world of Furcadia, offer them help if requested, show newfurres around, introduce them not only to the realm but also to other furres, [and] give them a hand on their first visit." This is the largest type of Beekin, consisting of 48 fully-trained Welcomer Beekins (myself included) and 266 accepted Welcomer Beekins who still have yet to complete their training. That is a total of 314 Welcomer Beekins all together. The Welcomer Head is Ho'Yay WyFeth and the Assistant Head is Erhina. When asked what the focus, or goal for the Welcomer Beekins is, Ho'Yay WyFeth answered, " make every new player who enters Furcadia to feel welcome, part of the "family" and a respected individual who can add to the sum of the total we call Furcadia."

The second type of Beekin is the Desk Beekin. Their main job is to, "...maintain and run the help desk in New Haven. They answer questions from furres that come to the help area in search of answers." This group consists of 99 fully-trained members and 202 furres still to complete their training. That is a total of 301 Desk Beekins all together. The Desk Beekin Head is Skirmish. The Assistant Head is Shadraw. I asked the same question to Skirmish. She replied, "To help new and old furres in all we can. If we don't know the answer, then we seek it in order for us and the ones we are helping to know. Knowledge is wonderful."

The third type of Beekin is the Channel Beekin. Their job is to, "...receive questions and concerns sent to the Help Channel. The Help Channel staff is not only available to new furres, but also for inhabitants of Furcadia that have been around for a while." The final, and most knowledgable group of beekins, consists of 44 fully-trained and 34 (including Bravecat) have to complete their training still. That is a total of 78 beekins. The Channel Beekin Head is Ridere and the Assistant Head is Klass. Ridere was unavailable for comment.

There is a total of 711 beekins; fully-trained, partially-trained, and Beekin Council. As of July 29, the Beekin Program is not accepting any more applications until all current partially-trained beekins are fully-trained. For more information on the Beekin Helper Program, visit their website at

So remember, if you're in need of help; new or experienced, young or old, male or female, feline or canine, US or Britain, or a ton of other opposites, you can find those gracious volunteers using their time on Furcadia to help those in need. For that, this journalist thanks them from the bottom of my furrie little heart, and hopes you will do the same. So, next time you see a beekin, tell them, "Thank You."

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