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Those Poor Newfurres, August 20, 2001

By AmberGal

Imagine this: Appearing in a new world where you have no clue what's going on, or what the purpose for that world is. Everyone's running around, each with their own reason for being there. Each with their own thing to do. Text floods your screen. You click everywhere, typing "hello? someone help me!" until someone answers you, possibly with a bit of advice or even help! Hiding near a 'building' seems to be all you can do to keep from being noticed, because newfurres are targets, and sometimes even considered prey. Ctrl W and the Welcomer channel don't keep you hidden for long. Welcome to Furcadia!

That's how I felt when I appeared into the confusing online world known as Furcadia. After you've been on for about 5 months, you lose the "newbie" status and start to earn different titles, and even a reputation, of your own. Of course those newfurres are annoying! Being a Channel Beekin myself, I have learned to help solve their problems, even if their run-on sentences, lowercase letters, and bad punctuation are a little irksome. It's hard to resist wanting to transfer them to the Owsla. :)

I've been on Furcadia for 2 1/2 years. Today, for the first time in over a year, I was called a newbie! I was sitting near some new furres today in New Haven, because they kindly invited me over (hi ambergirl wan2 sit withus). They were talking about being retards and calling each other daddy. Since I was sitting at their table, I was assumed a new furre, too. When I went to sit with some veterans, noses were upturned and I was ignored and called an inferior newbie!

How frustrating it is to be new! We all, at one point in our lives, have been new at something! Our first day at school, first day on Furcadia, our first day at a new job... Because we are new, we are thought of as not smart enough to know what's going on. It is partly true, however. You can read as many manuals or help sections about something as you want and still not get the real feel until you experience it.

If Furcadia is such a "fun and exciting setting for roleplay and adventure," why aren't we giving other furres the friendly atmosphere promised?

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