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Dewdrop Kingdom Ball, May 25, 2001

By Matthew Newhard (AKA Gastin) photo

What do you get when you combine a king, ladder dances, furres, and The Beat? You get the Dewdrop Kingdom Ball of course! It started at about 7:00pm Pacific time on May 25 and everyone was invited. The Beat (which is a Furcadia radio station) pumped out some great music all night that were requested by furres at the ball and everyone was on the dance floor at least once to boogie down. There were ladders that were brought up to the ballroom so that furres could ladder dance and it was amusing to see everyone try to fight for them.

The night peaked at about 38 furres with 28 of them hooked up to The Beat to listen to the music with Kalyanii as the DJ. There was a patch in the dream which included punch bowls, food, and cake along with the usual royal bits that go with a kingdom such as statues, thrones, cannons etc. When asked about what he thought about the ball, Volkmar (He's the one who was running around greeting people and keeping everything going smoothly.) had this to say:

Volkmar: "Me? I'm having a great time, while trying to get people to be more insane. If that can happen!! This is one of the greatest nights on furc and the greatest for Dewdrop!"

After the party had more or less ended, he said:

Volkmar: "I had a great time, and I'm happy I could be so much help. Thank you to everyone who thanked me."

For some odd reason, halfway through the party, coffins were brought up to the room. Either this was a sign of doomsday or perhaps it was some drunk furres having a real good time, I never did quite figure it out but as long as I'm not in one, I'm happy! I asked Kalyanii the DJ for The Beat what she thought of the ball and she had this to say:

Kalyanii: "I've never been to one before. It's different. A bit hectic with these requests. It's fun in its madness."

IceFlames and I certainly had a good time stuffing down cake and punch and dancing on the floor to some really fast music. There was good conversation all night and Kalyanii was very entertaining as the DJ. If Dewdrop Kingdom ever decides to have another ball, I hope to be there and also hope that you attend as well. A big "thank you," to the staff at Dewdrop who put this together and of course, King Blado. It was a blast!

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