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I do, I do!, May 17, 2001

By Matthew Newhard (AKA: Gastin)

On Thursday, May 17th, Felorin proposed to Emerald Flame in a way so that everyone who was logged on could hear. About five minutes had passed and I don't know about the rest of Furcadia, but I was really anxious to hear how she would respond. After five minutes, she blushed and very happily accepted Felorin's proposal. I was currently in my dream at the time and I cheered when I saw that!

My question to you is this: "What is the point of Furcadian marriages? Are they just there so that you have something to add to your desc? Or is there something truly special between two people that makes them want to express to everyone that they love each other by getting 'married'?" I personally believe that marriages mean something and that furres who are married just love being around each other. I've even heard that real life marraiges have taken place because of Furcadia. Then there are also breakups. Furres breakup most likely because they just don't like being around their mate anymore, or things aren't working out. The point is, they probably were in love in the beginning and that's why they became one in marraige.

Then there are those who NEED a mate and will do anything to get one for one reason or another. There are those in real life as well and I have yet to figure out how they see someone as an object to get possession of. Myself? I plan on proposing to IceFlames very soon. (SHH! Don't tell her!)

In closing, are you married on Furcadia? Are you happy?

Email me about your marriage at

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